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Doesn't it anger you that Childress hasn't really played Peterson the last three games? Not to mention, it's so telegraphed when we are gonna use him.

"Peterson goes in, the defense knows we're gonna run, they stuff Peterson, then the idiot Childress takes him out. And he doesn't return for another four plays." Then repeat as necessary..... I think Childress is a very easily telegraphed and boring coach. Your thoughts?

2007-12-30 18:00:44 · 7 answers · asked by Adolf Schmichael 5 in Sports Football (American)

7 answers

The game last night was the last straw for my having any faith in Childress. I ate crow when we were on our win streak, but I clearly jumped the gun.

He completely mismanages the team -- that's what it boils down to. He starts C. Taylor, who slam dunks the football on the pylon, fumbles on a later drive, and Peterson ends up with only 11 carries. What a crock. And, like you said, when Peterson is in, we seldom pass. Talk about not taking advantage of opposing defenses.

I'll admit Jackson has potential -- he's got a hell of an arm, and he can scramble with the best in the league (he should honestly be scrambling more). But he only shows this potential when we have 6:00 left in games we can't win. Childress put waaaaay too much faith in him as a starting QB -- to expect a young guy in Jackson to run our offense, at this point, is laughable. He needed a couple years as a back-up behind a veteran to fully realize the potential he has.

Having said that, it wouldn't hurt if we had a better receiving squad to back him up. Don't get me wrong -- Wade is great, and Rice, Ferguson, and even Allison look pretty sharp and could have bright futures in the NFL. But what we need is a stud WR to pull double-coverage, which would allow our passing game to develop.

We really need to make some changes in MN...
--Drop Childress. Learn from past mistakes (i.e. not dropping Green and letting Dungy leave, giving Tice more time as coach, etc.) Perhaps we should be trying to convince Schottenheimer to return as an NFL head coach.
--BE AGGRESSIVE IF ANY SLEEPER DEALS COME UP. It's bad enough we let Welker go to the Pats. Again, learn from past mistakes.
--Either get rid of Williamson or put him at corner. He's a bust and another waste at WR.
--Forget our "1-2 Punch"... trade C. Taylor while he still has some worth for either draft picks or offer him in a package deal for a No. 1 wideout.

Hopefully unrealistic, perhaps. But these thoughts should be on the radar.

Bottom line: Childress seems like a nice enough guy, but we won't go anywhere if he keeps managing our team like this. He had two years and couldn't even push a winning record in either of them. It isn't time to be nice, or fair, or just -- we need a better coach who can manage this team. While Schottenheimer may not coach again, we should be flirting with the idea of giving Childress the boot and talking with Schotty.

Regardless of what happens, it's time to go, Brad.

2007-12-31 05:51:11 · answer #1 · answered by RoyJeeBiv 2 · 0 0

I think the Vikings need to pass more, I know Tarvaris Jackson is not a good QB but anyone can complete a pass to a reciever on a curl route, try doing that Childress.

2007-12-31 02:07:19 · answer #2 · answered by Cody S 1 · 0 0

No I don't agree. Chester Taylor seems to get plenty of yardage. Childress is a little boring. But I think they need a discipline guy like him. Especially as young as they are

2007-12-31 02:07:53 · answer #3 · answered by Vikingsron2 5 · 0 0

If your best running back that is a rookie get hurt would you want to get him hurt again. I mean come on man he got hurt and you want him to rush back into a starting rolls to possible get him more injured on his first year. I mean chill out the Viking are a decent team, but if they do not have a balanced offense like the Jags do, then that is there problem right there. I think he did the right thing about not playing him a lot to preserve him for future years and not letting something serious happen like a ligament damage.

2007-12-31 02:09:50 · answer #4 · answered by Coop 4 · 0 1

childress is a very boring coach.... and when you have someone who breaks the single game rushing record as a rookie..... and a pretty bad quarterback.... i don't know how you don't put more faith in him and give him the ball even when chances are he is going to be stopped.... hes a strong back and he can make plays

2007-12-31 02:05:04 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

that's right but the Broncos were fired up about Monday night lost to the bolts. Especially about Philip Givers giving lip service. He's such a Homo. Go Broncos

2007-12-31 02:09:22 · answer #6 · answered by k 2 · 0 0

Well..they're stepping up on the passing game to get ready for next year....if Tarvaris had a reciever like Larry Fitzgerald(who the Vikings will speak to in the offseason)..he'll make better plays and look better..so we're not so reliable on the run game and that our offence is balanced...ooo god i hope they get Fitzgerald....and maybe Anderson from the Browns will sign on too (I don't see that happening...and i hope not)Also if they were to sign a QB i'd rather they sign McNabb..i know your shocked but hey atleast he'll be there for like 3 years being able to teach Tarvaris Jackson and that both will get starts back and forth

2007-12-31 04:28:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0