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i've been dying to know!! best answer gets 10 points only if they have proof. thanx, and happy blessed new year!!

2007-12-30 16:36:34 · 0 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Visual Arts Drawing & Illustration

0 answers

Hi.. here's your font.. there are 8 fonts in the family.. it's the Plain Black Wide version (look at the second one down) They just removed the extra wing on the "S."

2008-01-01 01:55:28 · answer #1 · answered by guess who at large 7 · 1 0

Snoop Dogg Font

2016-10-18 07:33:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are a few real keys to dog training, whether you are trying to train your dog to come when called, sit, stop barking or any other behavior. Understanding their importance is critical to achieving rapid results that are long lasting and help develop the bond between you and your dog. Read more here https://bitly.im/QfCEI

The first is simple; you must win your dogs mind. If you don’t achieve this first then you will be struggling the all the way. When I talk about winning your dogs mind what I really mean is that your dog looks to you for all the decisions. Before you do anything else watch one of the amazing video sites that show you the 5 Golden rules to establishing yourself as the pack leader. If you aren’t putting these in place then you are setting yourself up to fail. Just at the crucial point where you really want your dog to listen they will go and do their own thing. For sure your dog may play ball occasionally or even most of the time, you may even have a dog that is obedient 99% of the time, however if you want a dog who always listens to you and does as you ask then you need to win your dogs mind.

The second key to success is to motivate your dog. It is really important that you discover what it is that your dog enjoys both in terms of exercise and play but also in terms of a reward. If you can make the experience enjoyable then you will both achieve more and look forward to training.

Some dogs love to fetch, others love agility, and other dogs simply love obedience training, or swimming out into water and retrieve. At least to start with find out what your dogs love is and help them develop this, what I am saying is work with your dog. The other point to recognize is to make training enjoyable reward your dog.

2016-04-19 22:49:04 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/avHph

Say Somethin," Mariah Carey ft. Snoop Dogg

2016-04-02 08:48:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's called "Say Something". The song was alright.

2016-03-14 00:29:26 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Looks really similar to agincourt.

2007-12-30 16:47:09 · answer #6 · answered by Matt H. 3 · 2 0