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on here? or is there such a thing as a software program for something like that? thanks :)

2007-12-30 15:36:14 · 1 answers · asked by Happy Summer 6 in Business & Finance Small Business

1 answers

Before you start shopping for software, you need to determine the need that your business is serving and why you can do it better than established companies.

How would your business be better or different from Craig's list?

You need to differentiate your service from others and understand how you will earn income. Advertising? Charge per transaction?

Will you specialize in a area like books or antiques? Will you partner with an existing business without a web presence? Will you provide expertize that others do not have?

Once you know your business, you can decide whether you can buy a standard software package or whether you need to hire someone to write a web application for you.

Search the web for standard packages before you invest in what could be an expensive project.

2007-12-30 15:47:08 · answer #1 · answered by Skeptic 7 · 0 0