You're right, scary, isn't it?
You just have to choose the one that you dislike the least.
Our founding fathers must be turning over in their graves.
I know that this great country has better to offer, but for whatever reason, they just don't come forward.
2007-12-30 15:46:10
answer #1
answered by ursaitaliano70 7
I'm not scared about one particular candidate, Ron Paul. I have full confidence in him when it comes to sticking with his position and not accepting bribes or doling out political favors if elected. I believe that many of his ideas are good and that his reasoning is sound, although he stands far apart from the other candidates. (My feelings on the other candidates go from being mildly amused to downright disturbed.)
But I am worried that no matter how much support he has and how many votes he rakes in, the powers that be will not allow him to succeed. Too many big-wigs have far too much to lose if his ideas became policy. These big-wigs don't give a rat's tush about helping the people of this country, they just want to keep lining their pockets with deals, government contracts, cushy political positions, and blood money.
Honestly, just following his campaign and watching all the sneaky tricks pulled on him (and not just by other candidates, but also by the media and the pollsters), it's enough to make you sick.
Of course, one small consolation is knowing that it's not just a small handful of people who see this going on.
So yes, I'm worried. I fear that we're in for many more years of war and world-policing while our economy crumbles no matter what the actual vote is. It would take a massive effort to toss a wrench into that neocon machine, and I'm not sure enough people realise what is happening to act on it.
2007-12-30 18:26:55
answer #2
answered by shivarodriguez 2
It is a little scary. But I'm starting to think that maybe one good thing to come out of this list of losers is the fact that more people are looking at all of the candidates. There is not one clear choice on either side so people are finding out what their party's candidates REALLY believe and if their past actions support what they say.
2007-12-30 16:09:08
answer #3
answered by Cinner 7
Yes, WE ALL have a great deal to be scared of.
Now that that has been settled. Vote for Ron Paul. He is most likely to turn this apple cart upside down and get things BACK TO THE CONSTITUTION. Remember the Constitution?
It's where we started so that we could get so ...far.
We have fallen off track and need to get back on.
If RP is too scary for you. Think of Romney, Huckabee, Hunter or Thompson. These guys won't put you in the poor house with taxes, will apparently remove the millions of illegals invading our country and resources ...maybe even getting it so we speak English in our own country.
You'll have greater freedoms, more responsibility for YOURSELF and family. Most will have us outta the current war soon enough.
Hope this will perk you up a bit.
If you vote for a Democrat you very likely will not ever see the light of day again on the basis of Freedom and moderate lifestyle again in this lifetime. We will be driven to the poor house by the likes of ALL those running as Demos.
2007-12-30 16:02:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I am scared because I believe that the most of the candidates who are getting all of the attention, aren't getting that attention for the right reasons. It scares me because I believe that the next president has the best chance to change this countries image and unite its citizens.
2007-12-30 15:42:38
answer #5
answered by K R 2
Don't be scared!! Just support with all your being who you want to win and if they don't get elected, then just enjoy the ride...... Just because a boat is sinking slowly but surely in shark infested waters, doesn't mean you can enjoy a glass of wine on the way down........ and who knows maybe you'll find a life raft while looking for a bottle opener!
2007-12-30 15:54:59
answer #6
answered by tigittytigitty 3
I am scared.
I am scared that Hillary Clinton, Barrack obama, Mccain and or Guiliani are going to cause us to be so absolutely scared of TERROR, TERROR, TERRORISM, that we will sell our souls (actually just our children's futures to fight in a war) and our lives (actually just our freedom and civil rights) in order to keep us paying them the money (through the unconstitutional Federal Reserve and Internal Revenue Service) that they need to continue a war state which keeps the money rolling in from the peasants so they can live their lavish, high profile lifestyles while we are more and more under surveillance and they are less and less accountable to the public.
These are all things that our Founding Fathers were scared of, which is why they wrote the Constitution, which is so blatantly ignored by those who take our young people to fight in wars that they die in when there was no Constitutional Declaration of War in the first place.
I am scared that we will continue to have our rights eroded, fruits of our labors eaten up by Beauracracy and nothing for our children in the future to stand up for if we don't stand up for it now. Somber, I know.
I am also scared that Mike Huckabee is just an eloquent speaker because he has practiced his speeches in a pulpit for so many years and he could sweet-talk anyone into thinking that he is saying anything (or will do anything) different from the other candidates out there.
Mitt Romney seems like a sincerely nice guy, but still has the same messages as the others.
The only novel guy with a message out there is Ron Paul(wow, the message of freedom that we founded this country on is novel, that's weird).
I have never seen such a brave, "say it like it is" politician who has consistently voted the way he speaks today.
I have hope, even though I am scared, so I turn my fear into action and spread the word. Check it out for yourself, don't take my word for it.
Oh, and most of all, I am scared of our country becoming zombies who spend all their time being told by BIG MEDIA what to think, how to feel, what to say, who to vote for...the list goes on. All they want is your money anyway, so they will tout the candidate that will make them the most money.
Ron Paul does not take advantage of his own Congressional PENSION, for goodness sakes, even after 10 terms as a Congressman, 30 years in politics and 17 grandchildren!!! That is a guy who puts his money where his mouth is, wait, no, I mean....oh you know what I am saying.
We are not sheep and that is my biggest fear, is for my children and yours to continue growing up thinking we have to follow the crowd and be the "good little sheep" they want us to be. Pay our taxes and keep consuming lots of products and we make both the government and corporate media happy. We are their paycheck as long as we keep supporting Big Government and Big Media. Unfortunately, we are going broke, going into debt and selling our country to other countries. It is so sad, really.
Scary, yes. The dangers are real, and I wonder if anyone who has done their research can deny it.
The first step: Vote for someone who wants to do things differently, very differently.
The second step: Brace yourself, because change doesn't happen overnight and takes sacrifice, but it won't cost you your freedom and liberty, life and happiness for you, your children, their children, etc. We don't want to be slaves to anyone else, we ended that a long time ago, remember? Debt = Slavery.
Ron Paul says we need WAY less government. I don't hear anyone else saying that. Do you?
Oh, the absolute scariest thing of all? A Nation of Citizens that believe everything they are told, without looking into things themselves and who are just going along with what the rest of the "flock" is doing. We used to have independent thinkers like Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, who went agains the conventional and stood up for what was right. Just think if Benjamin Franklin had not kept doing the research everyone at that time thought was ridiculous!! Why do youthink our nation has so few advancements to the mathematical and scientific fields in the world (not that we have none). So many people don't use the God-given brains we were born with to explore, invent, dream, hope, stand up courageously, dare to go against the norm and think for themselves. We let Mainstream media do our thinking for us. That is scary.
So, check out the R3volution happening for yourself....It's not too late to make change, ever. Your voice and ours could be a growing and overpowering one that can not be ignored, if we stand firm and do what our Founding Fathers did so long ago. They turned their fears into action.
2007-12-30 17:02:14
answer #7
answered by RonPaulR3volutionary 1
Don't be scared! Any Democrat voted into office will be better than the present war-mongering one we have in at the moment. We need a President who will discuss issues with other nations, not make dictates which always lead to war. We need a President who will look at the needs of this nation, and not one who selfishly declairs policies not wanted by the people in the United States. We need one who is not self-righeous, believing he is always right, and one who has an open mind, not a closed mind like the present administration. Yes, there really are some better choices the people can make. ANY Democrat, is better for our country now, to restore it from the shambles it has turned into in the last several dreadful, war filled years of hate and judgment and selfish dreams which violate the peoples will. Vote your heart. Look at the scandelous national debt brought about since the prosperous Democratic Clinton Administration has left. Look at the millions of "low wage" jobs. Look at how our borders are over run with illegal aliens living off of OUR wealth, and also look at how the Bush Administration has condoned it. Look at the wars of BOTH Bush Administrations. Look at how our highway and bridges are collapsing because Bush will not raise taxes to fix them, leaving the damage to the next incumbent too fix--and then blame THEM for having to raise your taxes. Vote. Restore freedom and decency to our good country once more. It can be done! Just VOTE! VOTE! VOTE, in the next presidential election. We have nothing to loose, and everything to gain with a Democratic administration. History will prove this! God Bless America!!
2007-12-30 15:48:43
answer #8
answered by GasLight 4
Ron Paul Rocks.
2007-12-30 17:58:53
answer #9
answered by Curious Glo 2
I am scared. How can one man run a country? It's a scary thing to think about, and things are such a mess... I am surprised anyone even wants to be President now.
2007-12-30 17:23:19
answer #10
answered by *the dancing machine* 3
R O N P A U L R E V O L O U T I O N! Smaller government. Not only smaller, but the right kind. No more socialism!
2007-12-30 16:33:06
answer #11
answered by Dad 2