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2007-12-30 14:56:21 · 3 answers · asked by Elvis P 1 in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

Google directed me to some strange thing I never thought was possible between two members of the oppsite sex.

2007-12-30 17:40:50 · update #1

oic, they are still together, but the captain has some wired irises. All big and black like the boogie man.

2007-12-30 17:42:20 · update #2

3 answers

Love didnt keep them together. =/

2007-12-30 15:00:46 · answer #1 · answered by Jo 5 · 1 0

Well I just saw them on the Figure skating about a week ago for the Christmas special figure skating and they had sang a song, but I had to go shopping so I didn't get to see them to long, but I thought they still looked ok after so many years not seeing them! I was always wondering what had happen to them, that they hadn't been seen on TV for so long!

I actually thought they had devorced a long time ago! I know they don't do much singing anymore! So they must do special occasions! Only!!! You wouldn't think they have millions to retire so early from singing, but who knows now days!!! Maybe they saved every dime they ever made, or maybe they perform and sing in other countries and no one ever hears about it!

2007-12-30 19:32:17 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They are still hanging around. You should google them.

2007-12-30 15:01:08 · answer #3 · answered by ♥Instantkarma♥♫ 7 · 1 0