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I currently have a 30gal community tank and two small 1-2 gal tanks (possibly for fry?) now i'm thinking of getting another 10-20 gal for keeping the males, is this a good idea?

My plan was to keep the female guppies/endler's live bearers in the community tank and all the males in the 10-20 gal then, when i want to breed them, or when they are ready i put a male and a female into one of the breeding tanks is that going to work?

then once the females are about to give birth, put them into the breeding tank, obviously keeping the fry apart from the parents. I'm not into creating a new strain of guppy, just bringing out the best traits of them, and yes i will be culling the less pretty ones.

I may cross breed with the endlers, are the offspring fertile?

Can i do this with those tanks?

2007-12-30 14:38:29 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Fish

5 answers

The other posters are correct. I can give you some basic info, but you will want to educate yourself further than Yahoo!answer is capable of educating you. Your best bet is to go join a message board that focuses on what you want.

Here's a couple of websites you'll definitely want to check out if you have not already.

1/2 gallon fry tanks seem to be abit on the small side, but if their temp is stable and the filtration is good, they may work to raise the fry for a few weeks until you figure out which to cull and which to rear.

Generally, they say you should keep 2 females with 1 male, but I'm not real sure how to go about if you want selective breeding. Those links I gave you have plenty of info on it though

Hope it helps!

2007-12-30 15:07:21 · answer #1 · answered by BrandonM 6 · 0 0

Ok, i suggest the select approach. It goes like this:
you get the males in the community tank (they do look nicer, come on, dont cheese guests out of that sight) and you buy a 20 gal tank for your females. then, you try to borrow the other fish then, you put em together, wait 30 days, and humanely euthanize any guppies you choose not to keep. the best way is to give to fish store, but watching babies swirl in the toilet. is fun, im not gunna lie. Lol, only if ya have to....
then, you be careful to avoid inbreeding, or interspecies breeding

Poo matters

2007-12-30 15:30:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

properly you truly dont could desire to have separate tanks. I had all mine in a 30 gallon and while i could see one pergo i could positioned her interior the ten gallon enable her have her toddlers then positioned her top lower back interior the 30 gallon. you could only save doing that. Or such as you stated you have 2 tanks and do it that way. My sister replaced into letting her guppies have the toddlers interior the tank she had then she could take each and every of the toddlers out and positioned them in a 10 gallon now her guppies have toddlers lots that she only leaves them interior the tank to have toddlers yet she has quite some hiding spot for the toddlers like decorations flora ect. and he or she has lots of.

2016-10-20 11:57:07 · answer #3 · answered by goldthorpe 4 · 0 0

Join The American Livebearer Association. These are interested and helpful people. Look up the website.
Oh yeah, also you're going to need more tanks.

2007-12-30 14:50:25 · answer #4 · answered by PeeTee 7 · 0 0

this might help:


2007-12-30 14:43:02 · answer #5 · answered by GOTCHA! 3 · 0 0