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I plug everything in correctly, and all the lights show that the router is connected but the INTERNET light won't seem to light up...
Somebody please help me

2007-12-30 14:10:37 · 5 answers · asked by Alex 2 in Computers & Internet Computer Networking

5 answers

Some ISPs tie your internet account to the Media Access Control (MAC) address of the Network Interface Card (NIC) card of your computer. If you were previously directly connected to the modem you should try looking at the internet set up page for the router and try "cloning" your MAC address.

To do this, click start
click run
type cmd
press enter
type ipconfig
press enter
you will get an IP address for your gateway, put this in internet explorer (or firefox) as:
default login is usually admin/admin
Once in there you should be able to easily find the internet set up page and find the "clone mac address" button. This will copy your mac address from your computer to the router and the router will use this to try and establish your internet connection.

Alternatively you may want to contact your ISP about any other special settings you may have to put on the router to get it to connect.

2007-12-30 14:17:54 · answer #1 · answered by kellinjar 3 · 0 0

A router's interest is purely to parley your present day internet connection. I.e. It takes the sign from the modem and declares it like a radio. The sign is what you call WiFi. setting up one creates a instantaneous community on your abode, and the risk-free practices beneficial aspects that save squatters from stealing your connection are maximum in all probability in place. if so, any pc or gadget linked to the community will might desire to furnish a password could they desire to get admission to the community. (or the internet). The "N" section is fairly in basic terms a manner of differentiating it with older, slower routers that use different alerts (a, b, and g) N is maximum modern and quickest, however the gadgets could have the means to acquire an "N" sign in the event that they desire to get admission to the community. they might desire to talk the same language, with the aim to talk. happily, although, maximum N adapters in computers additionally are able to picking up the older alerts, so if it can not use one, it may use between the older ones (g next, then b, then a). long tale short, definite! :-)

2016-12-18 12:55:53 · answer #2 · answered by rensing 4 · 0 0

I don't know what their N router looks like (you know that N is an unfinished standard, right?) but if there's a "WAN" port on the back, is that where you plugged in your cable or DSL modem?

2007-12-30 14:16:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

maybe the problem is not from the router, so call your ISP. if the problem is not from the ISP, then you should call the router's helpdesk.

2007-12-30 14:18:03 · answer #4 · answered by lomatar1186 7 · 0 0

you said you had a wireless N router. do you have a wireless N reciever?

2007-12-30 14:25:02 · answer #5 · answered by tyler dalbora 2 · 0 1