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i went to social security, got denied and the local job and family services said it could take up to 2 years. im on cobra now and its running out in a few months. i NEED medical care for at least 3 years. my left arm is paralized, so there isnt much to do for work w/ out an education. im going back to school(college) after my next surgery. im 26 was forced to move back in w/ parents, blah blah blah.... what can i do. i hear that s.s denies 99% of people the first time anyway. but there has to be a temperary insurernce like medicade or something like that. thanks
jimmy b

2007-12-30 12:20:19 · 2 answers · asked by jim b 2 in Health General Health Care Other - General Health Care

2 answers

Health coverage in this country is sorely lacking because our government isn't getting involved in making sure we are protected. I can feel your frustration. I represent a company that provides medical and dental discount programs. It is not insurance but is the perfect fit for someone in your situation. Please visit www.mybenefitsplus.com/bbahr. You will probably be most interested in the Basic Health Plan which is just $29.95 a month or the Total Health Plan which is just $39.95 a month. The Total Health Plan includes dental. Let me know what you think. I also have a Yahoo group called medicalbenefits that you can post to with your questions. I hope to hear from you.

2007-12-30 12:49:33 · answer #1 · answered by bwbahr 1 · 0 0

Medicaid is provided by the state. You have to go in and apply for assistance. They may deny you based on the fact that you are 26 and they take into account household income. But every state is different- so the only way to know is to apply.

But definitely appeal the SS. But you may not be eligible since you probably dont have enough work credits. Just keep trying.

And look at what you can do for work instead of what you can't. Why can't you do telephone work? Most of them use headsets, so you never touch anything. And when you do you have your right arm. You have learned to adapt in alot of ways, and work is just another one you have to adapt in.

Maybe you can work part time and go to school part time. But keep applying for aid and scholarships and whatever assistance you can get.

2007-12-30 20:27:37 · answer #2 · answered by Meghan 7 · 0 0