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Im gonna be moving there August next year, and i kinda am looking at apartments right now but all the apartments i have seen are really expensive, i know the difference from each is not far, but the school im gonna go to is in henderson, but im gonna be 18, i was just wondering if its easy to get a job down there, i dont have any working experience, but to get to ther point...does anyone know of may average apartments (1 bdr.) that is cheap, like 550 at the most, and the thing im afraid of is if i get a minimum wage paying job, i wont be able to make payments, do any of u live there that are 18-20 getting paid fairly well?

2007-12-30 11:31:47 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel United States Las Vegas

also, anyone have average job with no real experience and able to rent a apartment, and the reason i am scared of not being able to make payments is i would only be working 3pm-9pm every day, and friday-sunday maybe 8 hrs. this being because i will be going to school but only 4 days a week

2007-12-30 11:36:38 · update #1

7 answers

there are apartments in the green valley area in henderson that are in your price range.you can pick up apartment guides in most stores like walgreens

2007-12-31 11:06:09 · answer #1 · answered by timlamb87 2 · 0 0

You can do quite well here if you are skinny, pretty and have big boobs. The economy is tanking, and it's UR is 2% higher than the national average. If you can get in one of the unions, you might have a chance. Otherwise, you're competing with ESL's (think Mexico), and you'd be surprised how hard they work at nearly skilled jobs for minimum wage. There is nothing under 800 bucks a month for a 1BR apartment here, since they were all converted to condo's. Now the economy is a disaster, but still no apartments, unless you want to live in North Las Vegas-bring your earplugs and a gun. Henderson is OK-I live there-but expensive. Can't imagine the school you're going to attend-this is the land of dropouts and other- place losers. I like it here because of the weather-No way I could have gotten an education here-39% Spanish from who knows where, 37% White-and going downhill. Think Houston, San Antonio.
Best of luck.

2007-12-30 12:01:40 · answer #2 · answered by doogie 1 · 0 0

Live in Henderson and save money not having to drive back and forth to Vegas. Check out www.lasvegasnow.com which is Channel 8 and they have apartment listings.

You could probably get a job at one of the casino bowling or movie centers because you don't have to be 21. Check out working at a grocery store, too.

And, think about having a roommate to share expenses. Know that every apartment will ask for security deposit plus first and last month rent.

I would suggest you look at Green Valley Apartments because they are a little newer.

2007-12-30 13:01:05 · answer #3 · answered by banananose_89117 7 · 1 0

locate your chihuahua at a safeguard - no longer all breeders cope with their animals nicely and there's a poor puppy overpopulation in thie worldwide already - many undesirable purebreds additionally get dumped -- in animal shelters or with rescue communities. There is mostly a Chihuahua rescue team (or communities) on your section. You''lll have a ball finding at those attractive little pooches and finding out which one is for you!

2016-10-10 16:14:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

craigslist.com has apartment and houses for rent.

2007-12-31 07:06:02 · answer #5 · answered by Christine W 2 · 0 0

Henderson is your only option. Anyplace in Vegas tht isn't expensive is dangerous

Think about Laughlin

2007-12-30 11:43:25 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sounds like you'll need a roommate or two. Why not look for a room for rent?

2007-12-30 11:39:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0