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Hi friends!Happy new year here is a poll of the year

who was the best avater of the year?
who was the worst avatar of the year?(frankly)
who was the best female user?
who was the best male user?
who was the funniest user?
who was the most seriuos user?
who had the most spealling mistakes?(akeed ana)
who was the most romantic user?
who was the most talkactive user?
who was the most inactive user?
who was the most friendly user?
who was the most mean user?
i get tired compltet u by urself...................
by the way who was the best overall?

2007-12-30 10:28:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Africa & Middle East Egypt

9 answers

who was the best avater of the year?
Male : Kalooka ( I love that boy, he makes my day, Masha'a Allah rabena ye7meih)
Female: Sistablu (OMG, WOW all that with just one eye).

who was the worst avatar of the year?(frankly)
Male: Beck the old one.
Female: We are all beautiful.

who was the best female user?
Farah (She kept this section alive and started a few new trends of her own, like multiple qs and quizzes and so on).

who was the best male user?
Msafwat - Zoser (it's a tie).

who was the funniest user?
Male: Kalooka - Arabian Dune (Another tie).
Female: Rana

who was the most seriuos user?
Male: Msafwat and Zoser again
Female: (Balsam - Moonrise - AA)

who had the most spealling mistakes?
All of us are guiltieeee as chrged.

who was the most romantic user?
Male: You ya Doc.
Female: hmmmm Nada and Noha.

who was the most talkactive user?
Everybody at one time or another.

who was the most inactive user?
Butterfly and Isadora.

who was the most friendly user?
Male: Mesh 3rfa, yr all so friendly and helpful.
Female: ME sometimes even too over friendly LOL ma7adesh yez3al menny ya gama3a ok??

who was the most mean user?
The haters and the trolls.

Who asks some of the most interesting questions?
Male: Sherif A.
Female: Ruby.

Who are the kindest in this section?
Male: Salah and M.Mansi
Female: Eman G (she has a heart of gold) and Sistablu.

Who gives the most flirtacious answers?
Who else HASAFER.

@ All who mentioned me in their answers thank you i am honoured and flattered.

2007-12-31 22:44:10 · answer #1 · answered by Hope 6 · 1 0

who was the best avater of the year?
@ShivA EL DominO
who was the worst avatar of the year?(frankly)
who was the best female user?
@Eman G and Ruby
who was the best male user?
@Arabian Dune
who was the funniest user?
@7atem and you
who was the most seriuos user?
@Salah and Hope
who had the most spealling mistakes?(akeed ana)
who was the most romantic user?
who was the most talkactive user?
@....I can not say
who was the most inactive user?
@Necromancer of Egypt
who was the most friendly user?
who was the most mean user?

happy new year and have a nice time

2007-12-30 10:50:38 · answer #2 · answered by 7oda is searching for pure heart 4 · 5 0

the best avater of the year : kalooka [ both ]
the worst avatar of the year : beck [ old one ]
the best female user : farah
the best male user : msafwat
the funniest user : love rules
the most seriuos user : balsam , moonrise , msafwat , zoser
the most spealling mistakes : don't care
the most romantic user : adham
the most talkactive user : sistablu
the most inactive user : ismaily
the most friendly user : hope
the most mean user : the troll

the best overall : that is my second name :D

2007-12-30 10:44:31 · answer #3 · answered by hasafer 7 · 12 1

thanks arabian dude..

i feel i'm fading away :(

who was the best avatar of the year?....kalooka
who was the worst avatar of the year? ma balash :p
who was the best female user?......hope
who was the best male user?.....shalfat
who was the funniest user?......arabian dude,luv rulz,somehow hasafer
who was the most seriuos user?......zoser,balsam,moonrise
who had the most spealling mistakes?......maybe me
who was the most romantic user?......noha and Dr.Adham
who was the most talkactive user?....Farah
who was the most inactive user? ......wise heart,ismaily rules
who was the most friendly user? .........Farah,ruby,Hope,Nada and riekominder
who was the most mean user?.....we all know them

who was the best newcomers?.....mohamad mansi,pinka,necromancer of egypt
who has the most interesting questions?....sherif A
who has the most interesting answers?...msafwat,zoser
who was the naughtiest user?....kalooka,Farah,eman G
who was the most active user? kalooka,Farah,hasafer

2007-12-30 12:32:42 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

most serious user moonrise, no question about it
most romantic noha
best male user kalooka
most friendly hope, eman, farah, and sistablu
hatem, mansi and riekominder
most talkative?? come on everyone is talkative. that's why we are all here. maybe farah and sistablu stand out. also zoser, don't recall reading a whole answer from him.
funniest kalooka, hatem, mansi,. adham
most spelling mistakes arebion dane
wisest user ranoush, very funny too, salah
best avatar sistablu, killing eyes, mysterious veil
worst avatar, like eman said, the gray ones.

2007-12-30 12:23:41 · answer #5 · answered by Arabian Dune 5 · 8 0


2007-12-31 12:12:34 · answer #6 · answered by rami m 2 · 0 0

best avater of the year? -------------------> Mahmoud Mansi (so handsome)

worst avatar of the year?(frankly)--------> anyone uses the grey face

best female user? ---------------------------> hope, Farah,AA, Sistablu and Noha

best male user? ------------------------------> Salah, Arabian Dune, Shalfat.

funniest user? ---------------------------------> Hatem n Reikominder

most seriuos user? --------------------------> Rokaya n Pinka

most spealling mistakes?------------------> ...........i'll not tell u

most romantic user? --------------------------> Nada

most talkactive user? -------------------------> Zoser (we learn so much from him, thx Zoser)

most inactive user?----------------------------> Isadora, Sweety n Tweety.

most friendly user?-----------------------------> Hope

most mean user? ??????????????

Most crazy female? ------------------> Eman G

2007-12-30 11:57:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

1966. The twelve months i replaced into born, all notably lots downhill from there. I wasn't predicted to stay previous my first twelve months, I certainly have been bullied as long as i will undergo in concepts. formative years replaced into punctuated in Mam going out and in of wellbeing facility culminating in her first and greatest stroke while i replaced into 15. At sixteen, i had to proceed to exist in college, the matriarch (whom anybody listened to) 'cautioned' that this no longer be allowed as i could only be dropping anybody's time and that i could desire to do some thing smart like stay at living house, look after my Mum (which i finished up doing by utilising the way ... and my Dad) and save out of anybody's way. At 17, we moved living house and that i replaced into 'cautioned' to renounce college as i could probably fail besides. At 19, Dad replaced into clinically determined with Parkinsons and matriarch stated i replaced right into a unfavorable excuse for a daughter using fact i replaced into searching for a job and ... nevertheless ... attempting to examine. etc. Draft version .... greater of an identical alongside with having threatened with the police by utilising a physio for abusing my mom (i could positioned a wheelchair seatbelt round her to give up her falling from a chair they had mismeasured her for. Being rejected by utilising each and every company i replaced into interviewed by utilising, one 'gentleman' even instructed me that he did no longer hire 'fats birds' Being proposed to - for a humorous tale in a crowded eating place in front of quite a few of my 'acquaintances'. Being clinically determined with Asperger's Syndrome and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (motives for the 'particular educational desires' and the load) My character being systematically destroyed by utilising my brother's psycho ex spouse who used emotional blackmail to get each and every little thing she needed out of me, she nevertheless owes me 2 grand that's why i'm in debt, that's a spiral of melancholy. Being instructed by utilising my sister that I greater or much less killed my dad and mom and had I allowed them to circulate into care (some thing neither of them needed so I held onto them like a rabid dogs) they could have lived lots longer .... So, confident. 1966 has been the pinacle so a techniques.

2016-10-20 11:06:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i am a new comer leeh ya gama3a howa ento hena men emta bezzabt.

2007-12-30 17:40:40 · answer #9 · answered by بهي الطلعه 4 · 4 0