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It seems as though they should review how they calculate the passer rating. Brady passed for more yards, better completion percentage, more touchdowns, fewer interceptions. The three areas Manning was better were in yards per attempt, sacks and fumbles lost. I think those categories that Brady was better in should hold more weight than Mannings.

2007-12-30 09:01:46 · 16 answers · asked by Mo Du 1 in Sports Football (American)

16 answers

So the NFL should change the rules to benefit Brady? Ahhh...I see how it should be! LOL...have to love these Pats fans!

Cha Ching....2 points with another easy answer!

BTW...the answer is no...but I think you know that!

2007-12-30 09:06:51 · answer #1 · answered by Fantasy Sports Icon 6 · 4 2

If we're going to change the way calculate the passer rating, we've got to give Brady an asterisk for that record. The people of the future would have to know that the only reason Brady had a better rating was because the calculations were changed.

And while we're changing everything to Brady's advantage, why don't we just give him 5 downs instead of 4? That's no more ridiculous than your suggestion regarding passer ratings.

2007-12-30 17:47:10 · answer #2 · answered by DoReidos 7 · 1 0

The QB rating is not perfect. A good example is the Pats / Giants game. Eli lost the game for the giants, and Brady won it for the Pats, but Eli actually had a higher qb rating for that game than Tom. To have a high QB rating you need to have lots of touchdowns, if you have lots of completions, even 100%, but not a lot of touchdowns, you don't have a high rating.

For example, if you have 10 attempts, 10 completions 50 yards each, but no touchdowns, you're rating is only 118.75. So if a team that has a good goal line running back who can run in touchdowns, instead of having to pass for them, the QB rating will suffer.

2007-12-31 02:30:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It doesn't matter. Tom has the record now, and we needn't mention the rings, oh and a hot gf who happens to be the richest super model in the world. Whats more amazing is that Brady played half of the season's games in shitty weather so there should be a pansy next to the 49TDs of that corn sniffing MidWest farmer name Manning.
Oh and look at what Brady turned Moss into, an NFL record holder.Has Manning ever done that for Harrison? please pick my answer as the best, I really really hate Manning and Dung eater Dungy.

2007-12-30 20:24:02 · answer #4 · answered by Thomas 3 · 0 1

Actually, Brady's career passer rating is better than Peyton's...

Brady-around 98
Peyton-around 94

much like the playoff record, Super Bowls, etc...

2007-12-30 17:09:03 · answer #5 · answered by Terry C. 7 · 2 2

moron with the passer ratings... brady is sitting at 92 ... manning is sitting at 94 for career. brady's passer rating this year is 117, which is 25 points higher than his previous high.

2007-12-30 17:20:49 · answer #6 · answered by BulldogBlitz 6 · 2 0

Tom Brady has more attempts because they never ran the ball until the last 3 games.

2007-12-30 17:06:49 · answer #7 · answered by Seahawksfanfosho 4 · 4 1

If it were the other way around, you Patriot fans would be complaining about that too. Can't you just be happy and quit whining about Peyton Manning?

If the Colts were classless enough to play the way the Patriots have this season, Peyton would have better stats.

2007-12-30 17:36:57 · answer #8 · answered by Rich people employ me 5 · 0 1

Sorry, Brady can't have everything. The passer rating is what it is and Manning's is better.

2007-12-30 17:08:34 · answer #9 · answered by Twain Harte Gal 3 · 3 2

Has nothing to do with what's fair. Neither does the outcome of the game (since teams often benefit from a little something extra, like cameragate for the Pats or bad officiating for the Colts)... Ultimately, more often than not, the better TEAM wins--the team that takes advantage of opportunities the best, and that includes creating their own opportunities. The Patriots have been, bar none, the best team in the league at doing this all decade. I'll take Brady's three rings over Manning's fancy passer rating any day of the week. The Colts are a distant second at team play (read: Peyton Manning throwing the O line under the bus after losing to the Patriots in the playoffs a few years back). I wish them luck against San Diego in a couple weeks. They're going to have their hands full.

Oh, and to the soap-box folks playing the "cheaters" card, don't let's be so naive to think that every other team in the league doesn't try to get an edge by secret means that are against the rules. Cameragate didn't make a difference this season as far as getting an edge. Or maybe it did, in the aftermath of a media frenzy, focus the efforts of the Patriots as... a TEAM.)

2007-12-31 19:47:39 · answer #10 · answered by Jason C 2 · 0 0

Manning threw 2 passes in his last game, if he decided to play at least the 1st half he would have had more yards and TD passes than Brady this season.


Correction to Terry C

Manning career rating: 94.7 in 159 games
Brady career rating: 92.7 in 111 games

2007-12-30 17:08:52 · answer #11 · answered by M. Diego 7 · 0 3