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Went to moto gp in donnington, England in 2006 for day and really enjoyed it. Wondered if anyone could tell me what it was like staying all weekend, I noticed loads of tents

2007-12-30 07:31:02 · 3 answers · asked by vicks107 1 in Sports Motorcycle Racing

3 answers

Donny is a great place to visit, but make sure you get there nice and early on THURSDAY morning.

You will need to buy your tickets in advance as its the Day Of Champions on Thursday.

Not only will you get a better camp spot, you will have a great day at the auction and a fantastic PlSS up that night!!

Friday night is mad, but nothing compares to Sat night, for mucking about and FIREWORKS !!

If you want an early night, make sure you have really good earplugs in, cos' you wont get it!

Dont bother to try and leave after the race on Sunday, as that what the lemming's do.

Sleep at the camp on Sunday and then go home monday morning when its nice and dead.

I think [ if its the same as last year, you must be gone by 10am ] Also, the site is a fcuking bomb mess, so please take some bin liners and keep your pitch clean!

Sorry for getting a bit anal in that last bit, but it would be such a shame if they closed the camp site due to rubbish.

I will be there this year [ as normal ] you are welcome to email me for more advice.


2007-12-30 10:44:09 · answer #1 · answered by Wiggysan 7 · 2 1

British a million-2-3 ? regrettably 0 i could say. Like others have stated Bradley has the suited danger to get on the Donnington podium, shall we see how Scott Redding starts off life in 125cc GP before making any predictions on him, very exceedingly rated however.

2016-12-11 17:04:27 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

it was gr8t, had a tent this morning aswell lol

2007-12-30 07:34:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1