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I'm looking for stamps that can represent different countries (ie. a panda bear for China, a Big Ben for England, etc.) but I'm having trouble finding any store that carry a large enought selection in the Boston Area.

Anyone know of any specialty craft stores, scarpbooking, or stamp stores in the Boston, MA area?

2007-12-30 07:22:11 · 1 answers · asked by tikapap 1 in Local Businesses United States Boston

1 answers

Whenever I've done a project that requires unique designs, I've gone "shopping" on eBay because it has the most extensive offering. Most of the sellers do a great job of describing the stamp and its dimensions as well as showing an image.

A.C. Moore and Michael's have fairly extensive selections. I go to the ones in Hanover, but they are all over Massachusetts.

One of my favorite art/craft supply places online is joggles.com. Located in Rhode Island, their business is strictly over the internet. However, they do ship quickly. Orders placed on Sunday, usually arrive by Tuesday or Wednesday. Here's the link to the rubber stamp page:

I did a search and found the following list of stores:

2007-12-30 09:47:39 · answer #1 · answered by Beach Saint 7 · 1 0