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My baby corn snake seems to be about to shed and i was wondering if its ok to use a new damp sponge to put in his tank. Don't have any moss or a spray bottle, will this work?

2007-12-30 06:26:44 · 6 answers · asked by james K 2 in Pets Reptiles

6 answers

Normally, I would tell you to place a towl or plastic wrap over 70% of the cage and mist the enclosure daily, but since you don't have a spray bottle, that won't work. You should really get a spray bottle, they're cheap and imensly helpful.
You should still cover the cage. Placing a large water dish in the hot end of your enclosure was a good idea, too, as was lightly damping the substrate. Your snake should have a water dish that he can submerge in. Even snakes that don't like to soak may do so before a shed.
If your snake has had trouble shedding before, or you think she may this time, take her to the bath tub or sink and run warm (not hot) water over her. Rub her skin gently with your finger tips to help loosen the old skin. I know she's small, so be careful not to squeeze too tightly or let her get away. Do this once a day until she has shed, and pay special attention to the 'eye caps' on her shed skin. Make 100% sure that she has shed them cleanly. Retained eye caps can build up shed after shed and blind a snake. It never hurts to use this method as a precaution, even if you don't think your snake is going to have any problems.
Good luck!

2007-12-30 07:08:42 · answer #1 · answered by Angel 4 · 0 0

haha perhaps tell them to do some research? 1)Well First of all, the only thing that could possibly stink is, say you left a mouse that was dead in there tooo long. or clean out there poop(which they do around once a week) not a big job at all. 2)They are very beautiful snakes actually, show them pictures of the candy cane corn snake, or snow corn, or even the creamsicle corn snake. very pretty bright colors. 3)as for not looking after, they dont really want, or need a whole lot of affection. Taking them out for a short period and letting them crawl around on you is very interesting, and requires almost no energy. 4)Cats are completely different, cats need all sorts of attention, they do stink, and you have to clean mounds of poop almost every day. 5)This one actually made me laugh. Make sure you get an aquarium with a lid, and close the lid. BAM never will escape. If you somehow forgot to close the lid, Then i guess it would be possible to bite your cat(not very likely) and infact the cat would cause soo much more damage. and the big thig is CORN SNAKES ARE NOT CONSTRICTORS. lol So dont even worry about that.

2016-03-16 21:30:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you don't have peat moss, the easiest thing to do would be to temporarily move your snakes water from the cool end to the warm and and this will cause the water to evaporate more quickly, (To make it even faster use a dish with a larger surface area ;) ) Releasing water into the air in the environment thus increasing humidity. The water will disappear quickly so check it regularly and don't forget to move it back to the cool side once your snake has shed.

Also if you don't mind cleaning her out afterwards a fool-proof method would be to pour a small amount of water into the bedding (just a little) to dampen it. if she crawls through this she should have no problem shedding cleanly and easily

Hope this helps!

2007-12-30 06:48:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes it might work make sur you put it in the warm end of the tank you can also bath your snake in warm water for 10mins to help with shedding.

2007-12-30 08:05:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe it might. Also, try dipping your fingers in water and flicking the water on your fingertips around in the cage. I did this a couple times everyday when my cornsnake seemed ready to shed and he shed wonderfully.

2007-12-30 06:31:24 · answer #5 · answered by PetRescuer 3 · 0 0

Yes. There are a lot of ways to put humidity into the cage.

2007-12-30 06:33:21 · answer #6 · answered by The First Dragon 7 · 0 1