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How come guys who were like selling hot dogs last week can gain yards behind the Saints good line, but Reggie Bush can't? Is he really the lousiest player in NFL history - or just the worst in recent memory?

2007-12-30 05:39:02 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Football (American)

2 answers

He was hurt this year... long before he finally sat out. That's why he was so ridiculously ineffective.

Reggies Bush is kinda like Ricky Williams- a college superstar who is a good (not great) NFL level running back. Sure, in some games he'll bust off incredible highlight-reel runs, but not consistently. He's best in space and at the pro level there isn't much. He's not the worst by a long shot, but he was so overhyped coming out that his actual performance is a huge disappointment. A guy with his numbers who'd been drafted in the 2nd or 3rd round- people would be saying wow, what a steal. But he hasn't played like someone who was projected to go #1 overall.

And when any back is a step slow due to injury, forget it. Look at Adrian Peterson.

BTW, the Saints line ain't that good- they're just playing a lot better late in the season. In the first 5 games, even LT and wouldn't have gotten much, and Brees coudn't complete a pass.

2007-12-30 05:53:15 · answer #1 · answered by C-Man 7 · 0 0

It would appear that Bush may be getting to the line to fast and not letting the plays develop and the holes to open in a fair amount of time.

The Saints may need to set Bush back a little deeper in the backfield on running plays so that his timing with the line is better.

He's not a bad player. He's just not being utilized right in the Saints offense.

2008-01-03 12:19:20 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0