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I really would like to know, because to me, the accusations seem pretty obvious to me that they are extortion attempts. I can't quite understand why people actually believe the media so much and follow it so blindly.

2007-12-30 05:00:55 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

Stephanie - Sure he does get accused twice especially when the first person got 20 million dollars and the second accusers family has been proven to be extortionists in other cases!

PS. Go everyone, give me your reasons why you think he's guilty and I'll give you the reason why you're wrong!

2007-12-30 05:09:28 · update #1

Quicksilver - he had no control over that settlement. His Insurance company made him do so and he had no say in the matter.

2007-12-30 13:42:28 · update #2

12 answers

Many people do extort Michael unfortunate circumstances for the sake of a punchline, but there are some people left in this world who believe the media trash, one of which being the delusional QuickSilver.

Quicksilver, I am not biased on the issue and I will tell you right now when you are wrong.

1. Police found child pornography material in his rooms
TRUTH-Pornography was found, but it was ordinary Playboys and things that any normal guy would have. The only "child porn" that they allegedly discovered was a single medical anatomy textbook from his enormous library.

2. Children were very familiar with a distinctive mark on his penis
TRUTH- Michael has said in the Diane Sawyer inteview that children would even follow him into the bathroom, and it is quite possible that they saw him while they were changing into like swimsuits or something. Also, it is not hard to figure out that a man with vitiligo would have splotches on his penis and the exact details of the them were actually quite vague.

3. NO 45-year-old man is going to want to have someone elses children in his damned bed at night !!
TRUTH- Michael Jackson loves children and enjoys being around them and the children love him back very much. If they want to climb in his bed, he's not gonna be like "No, you can't come here." I think that sharing your bed gives a feeling of closeness and friendship and I know that when I sleep over a friend's house, I always sleep in their bed with them and I think Michael situation is no different.

4. Everything he did was aimed at amusing and enthralling children. Typical behavior of pedophile
TRUTH- Michael Jackson buys children's things because he enjoys them. And because children's things are also enjoyed by children, the children are drawn to them. Michael does not "bribe" children.

5. He has never had a relationship (except as 'beards') with a woman
TRUTH- Michael keeps his personal life VERY personal. Even his closest friends and admirers couldn't tell you exactly what he's done, but I am fairly positive of several female accounts that would tell you about some serious relationships and experiences.

6. Anyone who believes he is innocent, is naive enough to believe that OJ was innocent
TRUTH- Why do people always link these cases?!?! One is a murder case and the other is molestation, they key difference being that there is no question as to whether the muder happened. It's just a matter of who. But with molestation, the act may not have even occured at all. Anyways, it is an entirely separate manner.

7. After the first accusation from the first child, no man in his right mind (except a pedophile) would EVER entertain someone else's children alone - but he went right out and did it again. END OF STORY
TRUTH- Michael was not doing anything wrong the first time he let children in his bed and it was not an more wrong the second time.

OH yeah: If I knew in my heart that I was innocent of a crime,
there is no way I would pay millions (as he did) to settle it out of court. I would fight with my last ounce of strength.

TRUTH- You can say that now because you are not in the situation and you will never know what is was like to be in his place so you cannot say what you would have done. And Michael's decision to settle was so that he could move on with his life because he knew it would be an ongoing ordeal which is clearly is, because people keep believing this garbage that he is guilty of the accusations of which he was aquitted!

2007-12-30 13:38:46 · answer #1 · answered by Megara 3 · 3 2

I think that's probably true, the fact that this huge amazing entertainer might have another side twists everything. The bigger the talent, the bigger the target. People like to make jokes about Michael because they don't take the time out to see what he's actually like. Some people in the world will believe everything the media says because in their eyes they're right. Other celebrities make fun out of Michael because they're jealous, they will never measure up. The Jarvis Cocker incident was an act of stupidity and insecurity, they think they're being cool by making jokes about him but it's actually very revealing. x

2007-12-30 13:44:56 · answer #2 · answered by MOONWALKER1♥ 5 · 1 2

I remember him as a child himself - part of the jackson 5. He has always been mega talented. ppl do not appreciate his achievements - through the efforts of himself he became massivelly wealthy and shared with others, he became a massive star. his real crime was to offend the average tough guy type person by singing that he was 'bad' when in fact he is a nice sensitive pussy cat - they were after his blood after that.

2007-12-30 13:17:13 · answer #3 · answered by pete the pirate 5 · 5 2

He is a very talented man - but GUILTY as sin

1. Police found child pornography material in his rooms
2. Children were very familiar with a distinctive mark on his penis
3. NO 45-year-old man is going to want to have someone elses children in his damned bed at night !!
4. Everything he did was aimed at amusing and enthralling children. Typical behavior of pedophile
5. He has never had a relationship (except as 'beards') with a woman
6. Anyone who believes he is innocent, is naive enough to believe that OJ was innocent
7. After the first accusation from the first child, no man in his right mind (except a pedophile) would EVER entertain someone else's children alone - but he went right out and did it again. END OF STORY

OH yeah: If I knew in my heart that I was innocent of a crime,
there is no way I would pay millions (as he did) to settle it out of court. I would fight with my last ounce of strength.

2007-12-30 14:59:51 · answer #4 · answered by 13th Floor 6 · 1 5

I think he is innocent. As soon as someone seen that one person got paid then tons of other people come forward.

The media suck also for encouraging rumors

2007-12-30 14:55:24 · answer #5 · answered by **Anonymous** 2 · 2 2

Some haters deep down inside already know that he's 100% innocent, but they just need somebody to make fun of so they pick the most famous, most talented guy in the world. they only SAY he's guilty because that's what the media says and they don't wanna be left behind so they just follow the crowd.

And for haters who believe he's guilty are just... well how can i say this.. idiots! I mean are they that stupid that they get brainwashed that easily? because it is obvious that Michael is innocent. He was proven innocent twice, there was no proof at all about any sexual abuse and still they want more proof of his innocence?? isn't all that enough? and on top of that it SHOWS that these bastards are gold digging liars, if your kid got raped believe me you wouldn’t be asking for money.

Michael is a sweet, gentle man with a pure, kind heart like no other. He would never harm a child. Us fans aren't dumb enough to get brainwashed by the media. If you dislike him because of his music, fine.. but don't go around saying he molests little boys and spreading stuff about him that aren’t even true.

We Love You Michael!!

2007-12-31 10:11:40 · answer #6 · answered by ♥ ƒσяєνєя яє∂ ♥ 4 · 1 2

Michael is guilty of being a musical genius and a very sensitive person. We need more folks like him.
I Cr 13;8a

2007-12-31 04:58:33 · answer #7 · answered by ? 7 · 2 2

You are so correct! that's why lately I have been asking questions pertaining to why people are so cruel. rumors about Michael started floating around from the time he was five years old. I don't even know if people really believe it or if they are just intentionally being mean...I believe it's the later.
Stephanie, what are you basing your belief on? you should really check out my answer to Stranger in Philly's question on lies and rumors! http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071228124402AARqnj0&r=w#LpFVBEviA2ro0ri48H7I

2007-12-30 13:24:35 · answer #8 · answered by Stranger In My Heart 6 · 3 3

People believe that because they want to believe it, many people liketo see a star torn down, I agree with billie jean she said it best,

2007-12-30 23:38:46 · answer #9 · answered by Lolitta 7 · 2 2

I'm not going to lie...I used to make MJ Jokes but now I know better!!

Don't worry about the haters, they don't really think twice about making fun of MJ "Crime" about it or really take it seriously.

2007-12-30 13:06:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2