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I love softball but my cable provider dropped the channels that cover the bulk of the softball games so is there anywhere online that i can watch Pack 10 games particularly Arizona or Stanford? pay sites arent a problem either

2007-12-30 04:23:30 · 3 answers · asked by Puddle Dive 4 in Sports Other - Sports

3 answers

i don't know but go vote for a softball category please!!

2007-12-31 11:51:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the excellent saved secret's the becoming acceptance of NCAA fastpitch softball. Do you doubt it? Ask the human beings at ESPN or Fox activities. Why do you assume ESPN airs it? the reality is it gets excellent scores and that they develop twelve months over twelve months. final twelve months replaced into greater acceptable than the twelve months in the previous and that twelve months replaced into greater acceptable than the twelve months in the previous that. Fox activities, of their top type kit, gives you quite some video games, approximately ten a week. They do it using fact that's certainly one of their greater acceptable attracts. This has been stated interior the previous interior the information media and could be lower back. seek television scores softball and notice what pops up. you will could desire to dig to discover this in spite of if that's going to look in some unspecified time interior the destiny. Print, alongside with the internet, is a distinctive difficulty. there is particularly little assurance of NCAA softball in newspapers, on and offline. My newspaper generally has an internet site on a daily basis committed to severe college softball yet by no potential has something with regard to the 4 or so faculties in our assurance area till and till they make an NCAA (div I, II, III) adventure. Then the assurance is sparse at superb. i believe this difficulty is in reality traceable to the NCAA and the college communities themselves who, as a team, do no longer care lots for exposure. however the sport is immensely universal. At a present day severe college county championship SEMI-very final activity in my state, the team replaced into formally indexed as 750. the lads championship activity drew approximately 3 hundred. Arizona college's 2nd maximum attended activity in the back of their national high quality basketball team is softball which routinely attracts 3,000. i ought to circulate on and on yet that's long adequate already. the secret's the universities themselves will could desire to do greater to boost exposure. And in case you go with to verify greater in print, get after the print materials. by utilising the way, the human beings who spoke back this question by utilising claiming that the sport isn't universal are thoroughly incorrect. Why answer a query in case you haven't any longer any concept what you're speaking approximately? Do you only love examining your individual critiques approximately issues you haven't any longer any concept? Whjy do no longer you opine with regard to the composition of the moon, rather?

2016-10-20 10:03:37 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Try ESPN 360.

2007-12-31 06:11:58 · answer #3 · answered by WestCoastin4Life 7 · 0 0