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who would u want to have the ball on their own 1 yard line with 2 minutes left in the superbowl ( having to go 99 yards to score a touchdown no field goals)

2007-12-30 03:30:09 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Football (American)

18 answers

John Elway he for sure going in the Hall of Fame and Brady would just either give it to Moss or Maroney.

2007-12-30 03:33:21 · answer #1 · answered by D-Wade Wrecks 4 · 1 0

Damn that's a tough one. For me it's a toss up between Favre and Elway (assuming both are in their prime). Either one is a great choice but if I had to win the game I'd take Brett Favre. He had good mobility, great awareness of the defense and still had arguably the strongest arm ever to fit in those tight windows only rivaled by....John Elway.

Another reason why these 2 would be the best at this; they did it with very little talent around them. Elway literally rose his team to the Super Bowl 3 times, but because the NFC was vastly superior at that point, he never had a chance against Montana's 49ers, Parcells' Giants, and Gibbs' Redskins. Aside from Reggie White, do the names Antonio Freeman, Dorsey Levens, Robert Brooks and Edger Bennett scare you? No, unless Brett Favre is guiding that offense to raise there game. And let's not forget, you don't win 3 straight MVPs for nothing.

Favre: 41 4th quarter comebacks

Elway: 47 4th quarter comebacks

Like I said either one is a VERY good option.

2007-12-30 03:37:28 · answer #2 · answered by calisurfer941 5 · 0 0

Elway. I still consider him probably the greatest QB I've seen play in 45 years of watching the NFL. I say that with no disrespect to the others but Elway made it to 5 SBs. The last two that they won Denver had great teams but the other 3 they lost, it was Elway that almost single handedly carried so-so teams to the SB. Also with 47 4th quarter come from behind wins. There have been better passers (Marino and Montana) but for an all around physically gifted QB there have been none better than Elway.

2007-12-30 04:53:05 · answer #3 · answered by ndmagicman 7 · 1 0

Montana, Brady, Elway, Farve - in that order. Montana & Brady have both done it twice in the SB already (not for 99 yards, but with the game on the line). Elway may have 47, but non in the SB, and he did nothing in the SB until he got TD on his team. Farve is awesome to watch and does great things - but he is too much of a risk taker.

2007-12-30 03:40:14 · answer #4 · answered by scole_67 4 · 0 0

well elway has already proven he could do it when he did it against the browns and brady led a long game winning drive against the rams in the superbowl so its betwen those 2 and since brady has 3 rings to elways 2 and elway has 3 superbowl losses as well so i'd take brady.

until manning or favre win more than 1 championship i wont consider them

2007-12-30 03:36:14 · answer #5 · answered by #1 NFL FAN 5 · 1 0

Joe Montana, John Elway, Peyton Manning, Brett Favre.. In that order... Never Brady as he is just a product of a very good offensive line. Put him on any other team and he's just an average QB.

2007-12-30 03:35:20 · answer #6 · answered by Ditka 7 · 0 2

If your on the one yard, to me the most important question is what offensive team would you want? I write that no to be a smart butt. I write that because all 11 men must work together. I would take either the Colts or Patriots. Both teams have mooses on the line, but I have more confidence in the Colts TE than the Patriots.

2007-12-30 03:42:46 · answer #7 · answered by CommonSense 5 · 1 0

Ok this one is pretty easy. The data is already available to prove it also.

Tom Brady.

Look at how many times this same type of scenario has already happened in huge games and Super Bowls. Tom changes into a machine when he is put in this position and he has only come up short once out of twenty times (to the Colts last year.)

2007-12-30 04:23:15 · answer #8 · answered by ptak1976 2 · 0 1

John Elway. End of story, Brady isn't so big in bad if you take his recievers away. Brady cracked under pressure against the colts : )

2007-12-30 03:37:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Matt Hasselbeck

2007-12-30 04:26:26 · answer #10 · answered by Tristan R 2 · 0 0