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where can i go to get the old brake fluid and power steering fluid removed so i can put new? and if i do put new will it hurt anything or ill be fine?

2007-12-30 02:27:43 · 2 answers · asked by live life to the fullest 1 in Cars & Transportation Car Makes Chevrolet

2 answers

Not juffy lube or any other 10 minute oil change place. Anything beside oil and air in the tires they are totally out of their element. Of course the dealer can do it, it will just cost the most. A shop that repairs brakes is best suited for this, but you have to ask your local friends who will not rip you off

2007-12-30 02:41:35 · answer #1 · answered by Jeffery H K 6 · 0 0

You can do it yourself or you can find a reputable shop near where you live (where the work will be actually performed).

Replacing brake fluid is a relatively easy task, you will need a couple of wrenches or sockets to open the bleeder screws at each wheel, you will also need an assistant to pump up the brake pedal and hold it while you crack the bleeder screws and keep the master cylinder topped up with fresh fluid. Start with the bleeder farthest from the master, then work your way around to each wheel repeating the procedure until the fluid runs clear. Use Dot 3 fluid or whatever the manufacturer recommends. There are easier ways that a shop can use to extract the fluid from your vehicle, this will work if you do the research and are careful. Find a friend that can help you will make your first experience successful.

Same for the power steering fluid, first jack up your car and support it with jack stands. Then remove the power steering fluid return line (usually held on with a clamp). Grab a wheel and slowly turn the wheel back and forth, engine off of course, catch the fluid from the end of the hose, when drained, reattach the hose and refill the reservoir with fresh fluid. Manually turn the wheel back and forth a few times to purge air from the system, then start the vehicle and use the steering wheel to turn the wheels left and right. Let the vehicle back on the ground and you are done. Take it for a test drive and recheck the fluid levels. You can either buy power steering fluid or use auto trans fluid as recommended in your owner's manual.

Good Luck!

2008-01-02 21:23:10 · answer #2 · answered by bmwrider001 6 · 0 0