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When we aren't even familiar with our founding Fathers documents, do we even deserve to have freedoms?

2007-12-30 01:46:37 · 9 answers · asked by Cookies Anyone? 5 in Politics & Government Government

JAG...Excellent point....

2007-12-30 01:50:48 · update #1

Yeah. too bad that Hoo never even answered the question.....

2007-12-30 02:10:39 · update #2

The problem was, Hoo, that right off the bat, you had to chastise me for what you thought was misspelling.
Instead of answering the question, you feel the need to reprimand people for imagined slights...like spelling......grow up and quit looking for a fight, not everyone is an enemy.....

2007-12-30 02:30:36 · update #3

BTW....it's faux pas (sp)...
A faux pas (pronounced /ˌfoʊˈpɑː/, plural: faux pas /ˌfoʊˈpɑː(z)/) is a violation of accepted, although unwritten, social rules.

2007-12-30 02:37:13 · update #4

ROFLMMFAO..Lighten up!! :)

2007-12-30 02:39:18 · update #5

9 answers

I believe the second answer was more indicative of a populace that knows how to correctly spell the word shown.
However, it was NOT indicitive of the following gramatical/spelling errors.
that Mankind are (is)
Evils are sufferable (suffer able)
Abuse and Usurpations (Usurpation's)

I am glad that our founding father's thought we deserved documents that were correctly written.

2007-12-30 02:03:39 · answer #1 · answered by hoovarted 7 · 0 1

Nothing new. I've had to personally correct some tenured professors at my local university who were adamant in their belief that the phrase "all men are created equal" is in the Constitution. Then there was the year 2000 when all of the media "experts" found out that the Electoral College wasn't the one noted for having no marching band or cheerleaders.

2007-12-30 19:51:42 · answer #2 · answered by desertviking_00 7 · 0 0

Yes, you'd think out (unconstitutional) federal public school system would teach children their own history.

But I don't blame the School System. I blame the legislators who created it.

As for the second question, Yes!
We do deserve freedom. As people we have certain unalienable rights, endowed by our creator (you knew that).

Ron Paul can turn things around and get us back to where we need to be, in this country headed for hell.
If you haven't seriously researched Ron Paul... do so.

Whether you're a long time Democrat or Neo-Con, there are no other choices. He is the only REAL Conservative in decades! More of a restore-ative really, and then conservative.

Since conserving values that are gone doesn't make sense.

2007-12-30 09:56:39 · answer #3 · answered by AnonyMouse 1 · 2 1

See, you confounded them when you used the actual words. That person could not understand the old English spellings for those words. I am sorry he had not been introduced to them while still in school. Now, children never see the way words were spelled at the time they were written. They read Shakespeare but not in the old English same for the Declaration and the Preamble to the constitution.

2007-12-30 09:52:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I'm thinking that hoo was merely stating that back then the old world vs new world way of speaking or wording ,Like the old and new world translation of the bible, Not to take away content or meaning."It's Not what you say but how you say it"

Yes: on my behalf, Ignorance concerns me,as I'm sure it did the founding fathers......

2007-12-30 10:08:19 · answer #5 · answered by seemorebetter 5 · 1 0

Not knowing the background of the person who answered your previous question, I am hard-pressed to formulate a fair opinion. Wisdom would conclude that this person is obviously not a native born but this doesn't mean he is not intelligent or well read with regard to our founding Father's documents.

2007-12-30 09:53:08 · answer #6 · answered by ziggurat4u 5 · 0 0

With freedom, comes responsibility; and to appreciate its worth - one earns it the difficult way - by precept and example. A portrait of numerous failures hang in the gallery of hubris. Examples: Korea, Indochina, Hispanic America, Southern Africa, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Irag. Freedom unearned, is freedom unlearned.

2007-12-30 11:35:06 · answer #7 · answered by jt 5 · 2 0

With this question, socialism's victory has been secured!

2007-12-30 09:50:59 · answer #8 · answered by jasonz0rz 3 · 0 3

"...deserve to have freedoms"

Freedom cannot be granted, it can only be stolen.

2007-12-30 09:49:37 · answer #9 · answered by justagirl33552 4 · 4 2