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With the smoking ban in Illinois going into affect January 1st 2008 do you think the bars will start immediately or comply with the new statute when they open properly the night of the 1st?

Also why not ask a 2nd part. As a smoker or non-smoker in IL how will this affect your bar going experieriences?

2007-12-30 01:44:38 · 5 answers · asked by The Gay Argentian Seal 5 in Local Businesses United States Chicago

5 answers

Yes, they are supposed to comply at midnight on January 1st.
On the news, I just heard about how Camel is paying for a bunch of heated outdoor houses for smokers celebrating in downtown Chicago on New Years Eve.

I am a former smoker who is glad that this ban is going into effect. Many restaurants do not provide enough venthilation and have you ever been in a place where someone is smoking a cigar? Disgusting....
Think about the positive health effect is has on people working in these establishments.
It is already effective in 22 states. Heart disease is down 8% and Lung Cancer for non-smokers is down 15% in New York City. Overall, the smoking ban has saved $50 million a year in health care costs in NY(since 2003).

Having smoking and non-smoking bars is a good idea in theory, but it would never really work. People would always complain and/or sue because they wanted to go somewhere and couldn't because they were either a non-smoker or smoker.
In addition, how could you apply this theory to a restaurant? It would be a big mess.

2007-12-30 10:30:32 · answer #1 · answered by Stupid Flanders 7 · 1 1

I'm guessing it won't start until they open on the 1st.

There are couple of loopholes in the laws for bar owners who really think they'll go out of business. 1) They can get a tobacco license as a smoke shop or 2) They can become a private club and charge a nominal "membership" fee to enter.(That's how bars got around strict liquor laws in Kansas.) I'm sure they'll be some new law proposed to stop that here soon!

2007-12-30 10:35:04 · answer #2 · answered by girl60610 2 · 2 0

The fascists keep on marching, I am a non smoker but who cares they should have non smoking bars and smoking bars and you go where you want to. The decision should be left to the owners. With the economy as bad as it is and people not going to bars as often, I think it will make it harder on the bar and restaurant owners. Another thing to kick people out of the city along with the 11% tax..

2007-12-30 03:00:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

well i live near the border of chicago and indiana. this ban is just going to keep me in indiana instead of chicago bars.

2007-12-31 06:08:05 · answer #4 · answered by badgirlz106 2 · 1 1

Works GREAT in Canada. No smoking whatsoever in public places. Now in a lot of provinces you cannot even smoke in your vehicle if you have any minor children on board. Guess they don't want you to kill your children. Second hand smoke is really really dangerous

2007-12-30 01:55:32 · answer #5 · answered by Grammy(back on) 7 · 1 1