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Using the templates of any number of other animals, what would it look like and what would it do for you or others?

2007-12-29 23:50:47 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Senior Citizens

I'd like to have a pet the size of the largest dog in the world, with armor of an armadillo, the head of a crocodile, front paws like a monkey, be able to consume trash of all kinds and convert it to useable soil for planting crops, yet be totally devoted to protecting me and my friends from any adversity.

2007-12-30 00:31:28 · update #1

13 answers

It would look like a beautiful woman -- but it would be totally reprogrammed in the logic area of the creature (it would actually approach all things in life logically and beneficial to yours truly)

2007-12-30 03:49:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Perhaps because it is human nature to nurture; well, maybe not EVERYONE but the majority for sure. I'm not sure about hissing cockroaches or snakes or fish but furry pets? There is something medicinal which is supported by scientific evidence that having one around improves your well-being so while our initial impulse to introduce a dog or a cat in the home might be selfless, there is actually a great benefit to having a pet around. In the fall of 2009, we lost our Yellow Lab which we had for 15 years. Man, were we heartbroken and doubted we could get another dog because of the loss we felt. A year went by and we decided to adopt from Lab Rescue. Can I tell you it is easier to adopt a baby on the market than to get a Lab from these folks? We then decided to go the SPCA route. We happened there as a family was returning an adoption that didn't work out...and it was a Yellow Lab. We had to jump through some hoops but a week later she came home with us. She had been abused and had severe separation anxiety so the first two months were pretty rough but now she feels right at home and our life would be less enriched were she not in it. (((RQ))) Peace, Bill P.S. Oh, and three months after we adopted her she got a tumor in a very sensitive spot that we had to go to a specialist to remove which cost us way more than you could probably guess but we didn't have to think twice about our decision.

2016-04-02 01:52:14 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, knowing me I'd leave something important out so I think I will pass on building my own pet. I do have a cat that thinks it's a dog! No kidding, Emma, who went to Emmer... who is now Max~emmer... acts just like a dog! What a strange animal he is! But, I love him just the same! And have had hours upon hours of entertainment while watching him, or talking with him... he jabbers more than I ever could... and walks around all the while looking at you like you know what he's saying... if I am busy, like on this computer, he will come and put a paw on my face and turn it so he can see into my eyes! He loves playing on the key board! He ordered something once, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

2007-12-30 06:36:16 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I would have to agree that altering some animal to help feed the world would be good, and ostrich sized chicken would be a good start. Think of the possibilities for the poor countries with wide spread famine.

2007-12-30 02:03:45 · answer #4 · answered by Aloha_Ann 7 · 1 0

An ostritch the size of a regular chicken. It wouldn't eat more than a regular laying hen, but it would lay the largest eggs in the world every day.
A small flock could keep a town in eggs for weeks every day.

2007-12-30 00:27:53 · answer #5 · answered by Jack P 7 · 2 0

It would be small, short hair and very loving and obedient.Maybe it could have little dust mop type feet to clean my hard wood floors. Or, the pads of its paws were designed that when I sat on the couch my small pet could rub my neck. Hey, a single girl can dream, can't she? LOL
Edit. I guess if I was able to train this pet to dust the floors, my pet would also be able to dust furniture and clean my Harley!!

2007-12-30 00:02:20 · answer #6 · answered by Harley Lady 7 · 2 0

I had almost the perfect pet... Mr Bean, my english mastiff.
He was the best dog I ever knew, but very large dogs don't have a long lifespan. I would have him still if he were perfect.
He was 7 years old when he died; he weighed about 235lbs, and he was the soul of gentleness.

2007-12-30 03:06:16 · answer #7 · answered by min 4 · 2 0

It's not nice to fool with Mother Nature ! We could 'engineer' ourselves in to early extinction. Allow animals to evolve at their own pace. But hey, that ostrich size chicken sounds pretty tasty !

2007-12-30 01:03:42 · answer #8 · answered by catspit 5 · 2 0

the convenience of cats and the companionship of dogs would be the ideal pet. Not too original but it would work for me

Wally, I just changed my mind. I like yours, I wish i had an imagination like yours.

2007-12-30 00:04:21 · answer #9 · answered by doxie 6 · 2 0

Something with the appetite of an ant...the mobility of a slug..that produced chicken eggs and cows milk.

2007-12-30 06:08:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0