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Is there any connection between what color a person likes and their personality, or even mental state? A person who is cheerful might choose bright colored clothes, but what about traits that a person do not even know exist in them? Can whatever color they wear tell anything about this? For example, a person who is ashamed of their body would unconsciously choose dark colors? Like they're trying to hide from the rest of the world, or protecting themselves from getting hurt emotionally?

2007-12-29 23:45:09 · 6 answers · asked by *LuckyNo13* 4 in Social Science Psychology

6 answers

I'm a sky blue guy cos my head is always in the clouds and my heart flies with the freedom of the birds

2007-12-30 11:09:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, this is absolutely true, but not in all cases. Some people who are perfectly happy with the way their body looks perhaps just like the way black clothing looks on them.

Some people change moods during seasonal changes and they also change the way they dress. With me it does not matter. I have always liked dark colours like charcoal, black, burgundy, plum, black cherry and navy. Even in the summer, you will rarely see me in anything white or light coloured.

My son wears all of the dark colours too, but I think he may be depressed. He listens to the scream metal and gets moody at the slightest thing. He lives inside the computer and hates to go into public, unless he is shopping for more computer games.

2007-12-29 23:54:16 · answer #2 · answered by lexxus_gs_400 3 · 0 0

I doubt it, look at blue jeans, nearly everyone wears them. Every one has a favorite color , but their are few who limit their wardrobe to one color. Bright colors would be to attract attention, not how cheerful you are. People who are ashamed of their bodies tend to wear bulky clothes. Learn to love yourself as you are then you will be able to lose the weight want.You are a good person.

2007-12-30 00:44:46 · answer #3 · answered by TheAsender 5 · 0 0

I'm a handwriting analyst and doddles and drawings form part of my services. What I can say with children and adults is that they use dark colours to express their dark emotions and happy positive children use bright lively colours to express themselves.

There are colour workshops for women to discover their clothes and fashions colours.

2007-12-29 23:50:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

my fave colour is black-i'm falling in and out of depression all the time.
i also like red-I'm very passionate at everything I do, i get it very seriously .

2007-12-29 23:48:53 · answer #5 · answered by Rose 3 · 0 0

yes,i suppose so.My favorite color is yellow and red and im pretty much cheerful and angry.

2007-12-29 23:50:15 · answer #6 · answered by xXNovaXx 2 · 0 0