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i cant remember the name of the film

2007-12-29 23:40:15 · 9 answers · asked by andy b 3 in Entertainment & Music Movies

9 answers

Am Legend is a 1954 science fiction novel by Richard Matheson about the last man alive in a future Los Angeles overrun with vampires. Notable as influential on the developing modern zombie genre, in popularizing the fictional concept of a worldwide apocalypse due to disease, and in exploring the notion of vampirism as a disease. The novel was a success, and was adapted to film as The Last Man on Earth in 1964, as The Omega Man in 1971, and again in 2007 as I Am Legend.

The story takes place between January 1976 and January 1979 in Southern California. The novel opens with the monotony and horror of the daily life of the protagonist, Robert Neville. Neville is apparently the only survivor of an apocalypse caused by a pandemic of bacteria, the symptoms of which are similar to vampirism. Every day he repairs his house, boarding up windows, stringing and hanging garlic, disposing of vampires' corpses on his lawn and, going out to gather any additional supplies needed for hunting and killing more vampires.

Much of the story is devoted to Neville's struggles to understand the plague that has infected everyone around him, and the novel details the progress of his discoveries.

One day, a dog appears in the neighborhood. Neville spends weeks trying to win its trust and domesticate it. He eventually traps the terrified dog and wins it over, but it dies from the vampire infection a week later.

As the story progresses, it is revealed that some infected people have discovered a means to hold the disease at bay. However, the "still living" people appear no different from the true vampire during the day while both are immobilized in sleep. Thus, along with the vampires, Neville kills the still living people. He becomes a source of terror to the still living, since he can go around in daylight (which they can only do for a short length of time) and kill them while they sleep.

They send a still living woman named Ruth to spy on Neville, and they replicate Neville's relationship with the dog. Ruth pretends to be terrified of Neville at first sight, and rather than spend weeks trying to win her over, he attacks her and drags her back to his house. Eventually Neville performs a blood test on her, revealing her true nature to him before she knocks him out. Ruth leaves a note telling him about the group of people like her, explaining that she was sent to spy and how monstrous he appears to them. Months later, the still living people attack, shooting Neville but taking him alive so that he can be executed in front of everyone in the new society.

Before he can be executed, Ruth provides him with an envelope of pills. Neville takes the pills so he will feel no pain when the still living execute him. He finally realizes why the new society of the living infected regards him as a monster. Just as vampires were regarded as legendary monsters that preyed on the vulnerable humans in their beds, Neville has become a mythical figure that kills both vampires and the infected living while they are sleeping. He becomes a legend as the vampires once were, hence the title.

I Am Legend would influence the modern zombie genre, and popularized the fictional concept of a worldwide apocalypse due to a disease. Although classified as a vampire story and referred to as "the first modern vampire novel," Legend made an impression on the zombie genre by way of film director George A. Romero. Romero has acknowledged the influence of the novel and its 1964 adaptation on his 1968 film Night of the Living Dead.Critics have also picked up on similarities between Night and Last Man on Earth.

Stephen King said, "without Richard Matheson I wouldn’t be around."[7] Some film critics have noted that the 2002 British film 28 Days Later and its sequel 28 Weeks Later, which feature a rabies-like plague that decimates Great Britain, are similar to the scenario in I Am Legend. The scenario of vampirism as a disease is also comparable to recent zombie media such as the Resident Evil series, and the 1984 B-movie, Night of the Comet.

A straight to DVD film by The Asylum called I Am Omega was released at the same time as the 2007 film I Am Legend.
I Am Legend has been adapted to a feature-length film three times. The book has also been adapted into a graphic novel titled Richard Matheson's I Am Legend by Steve Niles and Elman Brown.

A nine-part reading of the novel performed by Angus McInnes was originally broadcast on BBC Radio 4.

The Last Man on Earth (1964 film)
In 1964, Vincent Price starred as Dr. Robert Morgan (rather than "Neville") in The Last Man on Earth (the original title of this Italian production was L'Ultimo Uomo Della Terra). Matheson wrote the screenplay for this adaptation, but later rewrites were changed because he did not wish his name to appear in the credits; as a result, Matheson is credited under the pseudonym "Logan Swanson."

The Omega Man
In 1971, a far different version appeared as The Omega Man, starring Charlton Heston (as Robert Neville) and Anthony Zerbe. Matheson had no influence on the screenplay for this film; it deviates from the novel's story in several ways, completely removing the vampirical elements

I Am Legend (film)
Will Smith stars in the film directed by Francis Lawrence, released on December 14, 2007. This movie also deviates vastly from the original novel, as there are "mutants" instead of vampires and the still living are removed entirely.

2007-12-29 23:49:49 · answer #1 · answered by Brujita 2 · 0 0

I Am Legend is a 1954 science fiction novel by Richard Matheson about the last man alive in a future Los Angeles overrun with vampires. Notable as influential on the developing modern zombie genre, in popularizing the fictional concept of a worldwide apocalypse due to disease, and in exploring the notion of vampirism as a disease. The novel was a success, and was adapted to film as The Last Man on Earth in 1964, as The Omega Man in 1971, and again in 2007 as I Am Legend.

The Last Man on Earth (1964 film)
In 1964, Vincent Price starred as Dr. Robert Morgan (rather than "Neville") in The Last Man on Earth (the original title of this Italian production was L'Ultimo Uomo Della Terra). Matheson wrote the screenplay for this adaptation, but later rewrites were changed because he did not wish his name to appear in the credits; as a result, Matheson is credited under the pseudonym "Logan Swanson."

The Omega Man
In 1971, a far different version appeared as The Omega Man, starring Charlton Heston (as Robert Neville) and Anthony Zerbe. Matheson had no influence on the screenplay for this film; it deviates from the novel's story in several ways, completely removing the vampirical elements.

I Am Legend (film)
Will Smith stars in the film directed by Francis Lawrence, released on December 14, 2007. This movie also deviates vastly from the original novel, as there are "mutants" instead of vampires and the still living are removed entirely.

2007-12-30 09:32:01 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Omega Man

2007-12-30 07:42:04 · answer #3 · answered by tom4bucs 7 · 2 0

Omega Man! Fantastic film! It's supposed to be on Sky sometime soon but haven't figured out when!

2007-12-30 07:49:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, it was on TV a long time ago and it was horrible. I haven't seen this new film but I wonder if Will Smith will be driving away the zombies by singing? That'd work.

2007-12-30 20:17:41 · answer #5 · answered by rann_georgia 7 · 0 0

it's a sort of remake of the Omega man. that was an awesome movie in it;s time!

2007-12-30 07:44:47 · answer #6 · answered by northcountry57 3 · 0 0

actually, it's a NEW remake of an OLD Charleton Heston movie.

2007-12-30 07:43:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I fancy going to see this film next Friday. Is it any good ?.

2007-12-30 07:45:41 · answer #8 · answered by bluebeard 2 · 0 0

yeah, based on a book.

2007-12-30 07:44:10 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0