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or the people who think bush wanted to bring democracy to iraq?

2007-12-29 22:11:33 · 5 answers · asked by moderation 2 in Politics & Government Politics

5 answers

The crazies are those who think Bush or PNAC or any similar organization did 9/11.

To support this, here are some common claims with their refutation:
CLAIM: People made money by buying put options just before 9/11
FACT: All financial transactions are a matter of public record. Anyone making money off of 9/11 would be instantly exposed. Buying “put options” is like screaming “Here I am. Come and arrest me!” You can’t do these transactions anonymously.
Of course, the FBI checked all 9-11 associated profit making and found nothing significant . See Point 6, at:
CLAIM: There was a “stand-down” order given to NORAD
FACT: Not true.

First some rules:
Only air traffic controllers can order NORAD in to "intercept" a plane. "Intercept" means "fly up to the plane" & make contact with it; it doesn't mean "shoot it down" That was NOT permitted & no one has EVER shot down a civilian plane.

ALSO: Only ONE civilian plane (in US airspace) was ever intercepted (the pilot had fallen asleep) & it was allowed to crash. That plane had its transponder TURNED ON. Also, it took an hour &19 minutes to intercept, not 15 minutes. (9:33 EASTERN TIME to 9:52 CENTRAL TIME [2 different time zones] )

---The Events of 9/11----
The air traffic controllers could not figure out what was going on because the hijackers had turned off the transponders (these allow the planes to be absolutely located).

When the 2 towers were hit, the controllers still weren’t even sure WHAT had hit the towers (they thought a small plane had hit the first tower. It had nothing to do with “wargames.”

No one ordered NORAD to do anything because it was over too fast. Nor was there any question of a stand down order.

Next, traffic controllers in Indianapolis thought that Flight 77 had crashed because it too had its transponder turned off & it maintained radio silence. A lot of time was lost. Finally, an alert controller in Boston noticed a flight (it was #77) was headed to Washington. The F16s were immediately ordered to intercept it at supersonic speed (going this fast was not allowed, but they did it anyway). The F16s were a few minutes too late & the Pentagon was hit.

Fictional “stand down” orders had NOTHING to do with what happened.
CLAIM: WTC7 should not have collapsed
FACT: Even though they were NOT hit by the jets, numerous buildings over a wide area were hit by debris from the collapsing towers and were destroyed.

This includes: The Marriott World Trade Center , 6 World Trade Center, 5 World Trade Center, 4 World Trade Center, and St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church (which wasn’t even in the WTC complex). The Deutsche Bank Building was also outside the WTC complex & was massively damaged, and was declared a total loss in 2004.

Hence, no particular explanation of the collapse of WTC7 is really needed. It collapsed as did many other buildings that were all hit by debris.

However, the specifics for WTC7 are:
According to NIST "On about a third of the face to the center and to the bottom — approximately 10 stories — about 25 percent of the depth of the building was scooped out." See http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military_law/1227842.html?page=5#wtc7

WTC7 was only 400 feet from WTC1. Since WTC1 was over 1300 feet tall, as they peeled away, the large perimeter columns from WTC1 struck WTC7 & many other buildings with terrific force due to their high starting position. Archival photos shows perimeter columns lying on the ground up to WTC7. http://www.debunking911.com/pull.htm
CLAIM: The towers fell at “free fall”
FACT: The fall time was analyzed by NIST (National Institute of Science & Technology), which used seismic recorders & other techniques to measure the fall time. Their results:

1. The exterior panels took 9-11 seconds. They fell this fast because they were not impeded by anything & this is perfectly normal.

2. The inner parts of WTC 1&2 (roughly 60 stories of WTC 1 and 40 stories of WTC 2) stood 15 to 25 seconds after collapse initiation before they, too, began to collapse. This is far slower than a free-fall.

You can read this in NIST’s own words at Point 6 at http://wtc.nist.gov/pubs/factsheets/faqs_8_2006.htm

BY THE WAY: Support columns WERE severed by the jets. That’s why the towers collapsed. The fires only helped
CLAIM: Silverstein made money from insurance proceeds
FACT: Silverstein lost money on 9/11. Also, he was only leasing WTC7

It’s impossible to buy insurance that would pay you more than what you would lose if the event occurs. Silverstein lost millions of dollars in the destruction of 9/11, representing his investment & loss of potential income. The insurance would only pay back PART of that. You can’t get $20,000 of insurance on a car worth $5000. It’s impossible. Same with Silverstein’s insurance; it paid LESS than he lost.

Also: don’t you think that the insurance companies would not pay if there were the slightest hint of insurance fraud (like it was an inside job). They would not pay out billions of dollars unless everything looked legit. They are instantly suspicious of any large claim. Yet, they paid. Must be there’s no merit in the “Silverstein fraud claim.”
CLAIM: Operation Northwoods shows what the gov't can do
FACT: Actually, Operation Northwoods PROVED that the gov't refused to fake an invasion.

Northwoods was a proposed plan, in 1962, during the cold war, to fake an invasion by Cuba so we could attack Cuba.

Even though Cuba had thermonuclear missiles aimed at the US, & even though we all built fall-out shelters in case of WWIII, Operation Northwoods was STILL REJECTED by our government
CLAIM: NIST is stupid, or lying
FACT: Absurd. The NIST report lists 7 PAGES of experts from NIST, academia, & the private sector at the beginning of their report. It's ludicrous to claim that ALL THESE PEOPLE are "no good." I would like to see proof of this claim. The Pop Mechanics article just quotes experts. It doesn't render personal opinions.

2007-12-30 01:26:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Honestly? The craziest ones are the ones who refuse to even contemplate the possibility of govt collusion and forwarning for instance;
The put options that bet American airlines shares would take a nose dive. All proven and squared away, that proves someone knew in advance that something big was gonna happen on or around sept 01.
Then there is the complete stand down of NORAD...the same Norad that sent jets up to intercept Payne Stewarts off course Lear jet a few years ago, the jets were there within 15 minutes. Yet NOT ONE jet managed to stop or get close to 4 passenger jets that flew all over the country for more than an hour.
Then you have the norhtwoods report which detailed losing planes over Cuba so the US could invade Castros turf, back in the 60's....they even drew up plans to hold mock funerals for the supposed dead passengers for krissakes!!!!. If you dont believe me check it out for yourselves people.....
Then you have the neocons who releasd their own PNAC report, stating that America needs a new pearl harbour to get the people behind a war in the ME.
Then you have 3 skyscrapers collapsing at close to the speed of gravity freefall!!! That is physically impossible without something severing the support columns, and amazingly WTC 7 fell down and it wasnt even hit by a plane!!!....and lookie here what do we find? Larry Silverstien leased all 3 buildings that came down that morning.....he made a neat $7 billion dollars on the insurance payouts!!!......and I cant even be stuffed typing out all the cover up horse shet that NIST, FEMA and POP Mechanix came up with.

2007-12-30 06:32:08 · answer #2 · answered by bfunkmystic 3 · 1 1

neither or none of the above. in my opinion the craziest are the repeat question posters who know full well and good what the answers are but block anything that doesnt agree with a skewed and off base philosophy....a few examples are
why fault clinton for setting the all time low benchmark in presidential honesty and ethics when it was only a...little lie and besides bush did....
why not give clinton credit for the reagan ecomic reform results(we shouldnt)
and of course the whopper...why hate hillary (its more than just a little obvious)
why fault clinton for being a player when bush did....
why not impeach bush
stolen election
why are we in iraq.
equating iraq spending to everything from failed welfare schemes to, no im not making this up, the governments fault for losing a job.
bush being compared to everything from satan to hitler
effectiveness as president, no im not making this up either, equated to speech patterns
bush blamed for gas prices
bush blamed for pelosi/reid regime pork spending.

i think you see my point. clearly this type of repeat badgering of this community is little more than hate speech but even skewed thinking like that apparently has its audience as these liberals still post trolling for newbies to their ..."cause". its shameful but hard to eradicate.

2007-12-30 07:10:56 · answer #3 · answered by koalatcomics 7 · 1 0

"the people who think 9/11 was orchestrated by bush" are "the craziest on YA".

pnac "orchestrated" 9/11 and bush was their puppet that sat by, did NOTHING and allowed it to happen!

Heckuva job georgie!

2007-12-30 06:17:42 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

the people who lie in their answers and, without proper cause or a shred of evidence, slander democratic candidates simply because they want to put ANOTHER republican in the oval office

2007-12-30 06:47:23 · answer #5 · answered by eelai000 5 · 0 1