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So I just bought a used 06/07 152 "el sined" sined snowboard and am wondering about its camber and flex. It hasn't been used much and it's a little on the stiff side, but the guy said it's because it needs to be broken in. And it doesn't have a whole lot of camber. So I'm wondering, does it really only need to be broken in? Does flexibility come with use?

2007-12-29 21:03:28 · 3 answers · asked by jb 2 in Sports Winter Sports Snowboarding

Yes it was a person to person and maybe this guy was shady. So was the board bad to begin with? or did he take the flex out of it in a season? It's not some piece of wood now, it does have camber. But I guess I won't be expecting it gain flexibility over time, but does some stiffness mean I'm screwed?

2007-12-30 07:29:24 · update #1

3 answers

Never buy anything from that shop again.

2007-12-29 22:26:47 · answer #1 · answered by iansand 7 · 0 0

Boards definately do not need to be 'broken in'. if this was a private sale, you're stuffed. If it was a shop, go back get a refund and use a reputable dealer in future.

2007-12-30 08:54:10 · answer #2 · answered by simon n 3 · 0 0

Find that B@$+@rd and give him a lesson.

2007-12-30 15:39:00 · answer #3 · answered by nick 3 · 0 0