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2007-12-29 19:10:33 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Home & Garden Garden & Landscape

8 answers

Go to www.petflytrap.com they have so much information there! Please do not feed it hamburger or beef jerky, it's not necessary, and it's not good for the plant. Keep the soil moist, not wet, not dry. Make sure it's getting enough light. Goodluck!

2007-12-29 23:27:26 · answer #1 · answered by me&2kids 3 · 0 0

Well one person wanted to know should they feed it some bread!!!!
I've never had one but my good friend had them and loved them.

Two tips: Keep them in a terrarium.
Make sure to research the proper care.

This link is a video about them
Series: How To Care For a Venus Flytrap
Expertise: Wes Major is Head of Plant Cultivation at Equilibrio Carnivorous Plants, and has extensive experience working with Venus Flytraps.
Proper Care of Venus Fly Traps

2007-12-30 03:31:49 · answer #2 · answered by LucySD 7 · 0 0

If you are going to grow carnivorous plants then you need to do it right from the start. You can keep them outside in full sun or in a terrarium, but I recommend that you not keep them in thier origional container because their roots need room to grow and there is not enough air. Also, if you are going to keep them in a terrarium then make sure you do not put the terrarium in direct sunlight. What a lot of people do not know is that carnivorous plants do best outside in the open air and in full sun. They are cold tolerant down to 20 degrees and actually need to be winterized and go into hibernation in order to do well next season. If your temps drop below 20 then you can keep them in an unheated garage or garden shed. If you keep them in a terrarium then you can force them into hibernation or dormancy and I will give you the site that explains how to do this. As for watering, carnivorous plants are bog plants and their soil needs to stay moist all the times. If you grow them in a terrarium this should not be a problem, however, if you grow them outside you will need to place them in a saucer of water and make sure you keep the saucer full at all times. As for feeding them, check out the expertvillage video I've included and it will answer all your questions.

carnivorous plant NoNos:
No meat of any kind. Meat rots and it will kill them
No fertilizer of any kind. Pot carnivorous plants in a 50/50 mix of peat moss and perlite only.
No straight tap water. Use filtered tap, aged tap or distilled (preferred)

Here are some sites that will help you with just about everything you need to know about growing carnivorous plants. Good Luck and have fun.

Contains a Section on dormancy:

Expertvillage videos all about carnivorous plants:
Feeding and more:
Building a terrarium:
Propagation and more:

2007-12-30 09:24:36 · answer #3 · answered by Sptfyr 7 · 0 0

instructions issues you will need * Sphagnum peat moss * Sand * Terrarium * bugs a million. * a million improve Venus flytrap plant life in places offering complete solar, the two outdoors or in a solar-crammed window. supply a minimum of two hours of solar an afternoon. decrease solar exposure on your Venus flytrap houseplant if it starts off wilting. * 2 domesticate Venus flytraps in moist situations, as they're keen on severe humidity. improve the Venus flytrap in moist, properly-drained soil composed of sphagnum peat moss and sand. look after your Venus flytrap as a houseplant in the journey that your area does not supply the severe humidity this plant desires. Use a terrarium to domicile the flytrap as a ability of keeping a controlled, humid atmosphere. * 3 preserve a soil pH of roughly 5.0 for acceptable plant well-being, in accordance to the college of Arkansas Cooperative Extension provider. * 4 Transplant your Venus flytrap into clean soil as quickly as each and every 3 years or so which you could maintain optimal growth and well-being, in accordance to the Botanical Society of u . s . of america. * 5 Feed your Venus flytraps whilst you're starting to be them as houseplants. Feed your plant 2 flies or different small bugs each and on a daily basis, in accordance to the Botanical Society of u . s . of america. suggestions & Warnings * circumvent drought and fertilization of soil, as those situations harm the Venus flytrap. do no longer complication approximately feeding your flytrap plant no count if it rather is grown outdoors with the aid of fact the organic inhabitants of bugs is sufficient. circumvent feeding your plant different meat-based products.

2016-11-26 20:00:13 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

keep it moist but don't over water, if it looks like un refridgerated lettuce theres no hope, an you don't have to "feed" it really... oh an no bugs w antennaes you'll be picking out exoskeleton for a while, cricket legs, a roach antennae...

2007-12-29 19:38:08 · answer #5 · answered by TaMi 1 · 0 0

unleash the flies.

2007-12-29 19:13:36 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

dont feed it cotton balls

2007-12-29 19:18:01 · answer #7 · answered by THE Republican 2 · 0 0

drop beef jerky in the leaves. seriously. thats wat i did. dont put too much tho. or it will die

2007-12-29 19:17:58 · answer #8 · answered by STINKYPOOPMAN 2 · 0 1