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What kinda of crap is that? I called him back and said what bar are you going to? He said idk and you aren't coming with me cause I dont want you being around my friends. What do you think of this?

2007-12-29 18:00:18 · 25 answers · asked by Mandy 2 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

25 answers

I think that's a selfish, prick thing to do to your wife...and I also think, "What are you hiding since you don't want me around your friends?"

2007-12-29 18:03:59 · answer #1 · answered by NunyaBizzness 4 · 6 0

All guys need male bonding time. It is good to just be with the guys now and then and have a few drinks, however this could be something else. You will just have to find out what he is really up to.
Maybe it was a strip club, maybe he wasn't going to a bar but going on a date.
Most married guys I know just like to hang out in the garage and work on a car or snowmobile with the guys and drink a few beers. You mostly just drink and have a good time but at least there is no danger of cheating on your spouse.

2007-12-30 02:17:18 · answer #2 · answered by Airmech 5 · 0 1

Going to the bar with your friends is one thing. but not giving you the location is another. He hiding something.. These are signs that create problems.

Need to have a sit down talk re: limitations on fun if it puts him in a position that in dangers your relationship or your trust in him.

2007-12-30 02:13:46 · answer #3 · answered by DearAbby 5 · 2 0

Text him back and say your going to a bar with a few friends, then dont answer if he calls or texts back...

2007-12-30 02:30:59 · answer #4 · answered by ABBYsMom 7 · 2 0

I'm just offering my opinion here but I must say based on other questions you have asked that it sounds like you husband may be cheating. You need to confront him and at this point if he refuses to talk I would just do what ever you need to do to resolve the situation. It sounds like he's trying to have the happy wife to come home to and the girl he can **** on the side.

2007-12-30 13:07:46 · answer #5 · answered by FinallySmiling 3 · 1 0

According to this question and the previous one you answered in your profile you definitely have a problem.

Your situation seems much worse than this question indicates.

Your an attractive women by your photo and shouldn't have a problem finding someone else.

2007-12-30 05:18:03 · answer #6 · answered by 2cents worth 2 · 1 0

JERK. Don't let him treat you this way. You do not deserve this.

Edited to add: Yes, it's healthy for guys to go out by themselves but the way he told you, especially by texting you is so wimpy of him! He's obviously hiding something.

2007-12-30 02:23:52 · answer #7 · answered by luvly 6 · 1 0

I think he has to much freedom and not enough healthy relationship boundaries. He is cruising for a bruising.

2007-12-30 02:15:18 · answer #8 · answered by beachgirl90 7 · 1 0

I would tell him to kiss my *** and when he got home I would be out with my friends. . . It also sounds like he wants to be single...instead of married. Married couple don't do that. . .

2007-12-30 07:08:40 · answer #9 · answered by lucylocket7258 7 · 1 0

You and hubby need to have a long talk about him getting his act together before he has to find a new one.

2007-12-30 02:12:00 · answer #10 · answered by A 4 · 2 0