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I am a bit precognitive..mostly,with some clairvoyancy..and clear audient as well....I would like to be able to see ghosts and or spirits..how can I practice to see them at all? or is this ONLY with SOME few people in our world that are allowed to do this..because I thought that everyone would have this ability..but, need to practice or work on it...Can ANYBODY do this..or learn to do this?
(and for those who do NOT believe...please do NOT answer this question..I have heard your answers before...I am asking this seriously!!)

2007-12-29 17:26:42 · 19 answers · asked by ladyk 2 in Science & Mathematics Alternative Paranormal Phenomena

19 answers

Hi, ladyk...I peeked at your profile..I saw where you asked a question about Savannah ,Ga. I live in North Florida...not too far from there. I have a friend who visited there and really liked it. She went on a ghost tour. I used to work at an Inn B&B.We thought we had a ghost there. Others saw things..I thought one time one of the other girls came out of a room behind me and went down the stairs. When I went down..I asked her...and she said she hadn't been upstairs. No one had. It's a little town about 30 miles from Jacksonville,Fl..on the ocean. I think it's an EXTREMELY haunted town...from experience. They do have ghost tours on Halloween. If you could get with them..they could tell you things. (No..it's not St. Augustine. It's north of Jax) I don't want to say the name of it.)A lot of stuff happened to me...but I wasn't "ghost hunting". Good Luck.
EDIT...T.R...T.R...T.R.....!!!What is...IS!! What isn't..ISN'T !!
Besides..we can't go to R&S...They only say we have demons. They won't even discuss these things.
To me...dealing with spirits is about the same as talking to people on YA...You can't see the people on here...you just KNOW that they 're here. It might not even be YOU on here talking at times...It might be your wife or uncle or a friend etc. That's what I TRY to tell others...In the spirit world...we don't know WHO we're talking to or hearing from!! We just know SOMEBODY...or SOMETHING is there...communing with us!
EDIT AGAIN!! (how many are we allowed?) MAYBE it's not an "ability" or "gift" at all!! MAYBE..it's ALL up to the spirits etc..who sees and who doesn't . MAYBE ..THEY are the ones who are making THEMSELVES visible and WE have NOTHING to do with it!!! I KNOW that I wasn't looking for a "Muse" when all that "came" to me. I didn't even know what one was!! I was trying to write ONE song..on MY "ability" to write songs...then WHAMMO!!! It WASN'T because of my "psychic ability"..or my song writing ability.(which was very poor) If nothing else (whether it was a good spirit or a bad spirit or a guide or guardian angel or someone astral traveling...) it made ME "KNOW" that there is MORE than we know about "out there".(Like I was a "converted skeptic") (That means there HOPE for you skeptics on here!!)

2007-12-29 17:50:19 · answer #1 · answered by Deenie 6 · 3 3

In response, I beleive you can only see dead people in a morgue.

The reason for this is that I can predict that if I go to a morgue, there will be dead people there. THe Dead people will have names, and the mortician will be able to tell me the likely cause of death based of his observations and those of his co workers. I will be able to touch the dead people if I like, and I can be sure they wont talk to me, or feel me doing it. That is because they are dead, and no one with any credibility has yet observed a dead person moving or talking to them.

Now I ask why do others believe things for which there is no scientific proof? Or, even supporting evidence that could not have been misinterpretted?

2008-01-02 16:07:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I've often wondered why people want to see ghosts or spirits. All of the ones that I have encountered were stuck and really needed to transcend. I did know a woman who "taught" people to become mediums and I thought she was really legit until she didn't see what I did. While I think just about everyone is wired to see beyond the material plain, I think that by the time most of us are 7 we have rejected the belief in ghost and thus lose the"sight". And remember many people who "see" ghosts aren't seeing an actual being but are picking up on it energetically. Perhaps you already are.

2007-12-29 19:37:09 · answer #3 · answered by phovisi 3 · 1 2

What you are asking in reality is this:

Can I learn to see a deamon who is impersonating one of my dead relatives?

That is a trick!

This is the way they get you to believe in the underworld, and attract you into their realm. They get you to believe you have seen someone who has is dead, and since you saw them the see they are really alive and not dead dead and so live in another world.........and get your mind so convinced, that you delve futher and further and you will be so busy that you won't have time for anything else and NoT EveN God.

It's a trick!

2007-12-31 06:06:41 · answer #4 · answered by LandOfMisty 5 · 0 2

You cant 'learn' to see something that is rarley seen by others. You are born with the 6th sense.

2007-12-31 05:30:54 · answer #5 · answered by #1 New York Yankees Fan 6 · 1 2

Precognitive, clairvoyancy, clairaudient...wow, that's an impressive list of imaginary super powers.

If you want to see dead people you should go to mortician school or get a job with the coroner's office.

2007-12-31 03:32:01 · answer #6 · answered by Peter D 7 · 2 0

TO LadyK, You pose a good argument when you say its like talking to people on YA!
However, the difference is, that for people here on YA! you could find out thier address, and go find the person, and prove that there is actually a person sitting at another computer. You cant do this with spirits.
There is no scientific evidence for spirits, and almost every reported case of someone talking to spirits is either a fraud or someone is delusional or emotionally distraught from losing a loved one.
We all wish we could talk to our loved ones who have passed away. However, the reality is, you can't and people like John Edwards (the medium not the senator) prove that everyday. If there were people who could really talk to the dead, then con-men like John Edwards would not be able to go in front of audiences and cold read (on occassion he hot reads them which means he has the information available) them.

2007-12-31 03:02:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

This is a good question and should be answered seriously. It takes learning to meditate and expanding your focus and quieting your mind. Ask your "higher self"/guardian angel/spirit guide for help to be able to see the spirit people more easily. It takes meditating everyday, usually at the same time -- like an appointment. When the spirits know you are serious, they in turn will be more willing to communicate with you. Do not make fun of them or belittle them. Although for some people it comes unbidden, and for others you have to work hard at it. But meditating will help prepare your mind and heart for better communications. Remember, just ask and be open to hearing what they have to say.

2007-12-29 18:34:04 · answer #8 · answered by Tamlyn 1 · 5 2

For me my gift of seeing spirits came at an early age it was not something I learned to do but learn to accept it and use it for the good. I personal believe that all people have a bit of abilty to see or feel spirits.

2008-01-01 10:01:38 · answer #9 · answered by Barbara Yoda 1 · 0 1

i know what you go with to pay attention - they chanced on that out by utilising screwing lifeless women. they are massive and evil and nasty and a pandemic on mankind! There - I wager that kind of answer makes you cream on your pants... I only found out that that's Saturday night in England at around 8:15PM and additionally you're sitting in the back of your laptop asking impolite questions and getting off on it. i will wager Mary Hand and her 5 hands is an in depth own buddy.

2016-10-20 09:14:06 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0