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who hates them as much as I do? and what team r u for?

2007-12-29 17:02:09 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Football (American)

dallas cowboy fan here

2007-12-29 17:05:28 · update #1

33 answers

hate them but i respect them a whole bunch.. im a colts fan

2007-12-29 17:06:37 · answer #1 · answered by KBro 3 · 2 1

That's funny, I'm a Patriots fan and I hate the Cowboys. Go figure.

2007-12-29 17:14:43 · answer #2 · answered by damnyankeega 6 · 1 0

Im a Cowboy fan myself..... but I dont hate the Pats.

As a football fan I really admire the Patriots team.
That team just plays soo perfectly...
And they have probably in my Opinion the best quarterback
of all time.
I love watching the Patriots play. Its exciting.
I cant hate the Patriots.
Congrats to the Pats and their fans.


2007-12-29 17:11:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I hate them to the core. I used to just hate them but after yet another classless performance this evening I just plain old wish they'd go to hell... I hate that such a talented team can make a bad name for themselves by acting like utter morons... You know when Favre breaks records no one really hates, and when teams with class do well there is a fair amount of hatred but not this much. The coach is classless and so are the players... I seriously just hate them... I hope to god that they loose in the playoffs... I just don't want to see those bass turds go to the bowl... They do not deserve it! And the sad part is I say that because of how they carry themselves as individuals and a team not because of a lack of talent. I am a packer fan and when Robinson played his first game here his first play he was swinging. I will never forget that. I looked at my husband and said "I don't give a sh*t what kind of player he is we don't need trash in green bay, I don't want that on our team." Luckily he got it together and seems to be showing class and I'm happy he's here but honestly I have no respect for players that act like morons. I love Barnette but did not like that he took a swing at a bears player last week. Those things are never okay in my book. I love the Packers because they are humble and show a lot of class.

2007-12-29 17:11:11 · answer #4 · answered by Missy M 4 · 0 1

as a giants fan, i dont hate the patriots but i dont like them either. i would like to give them credit where credit is due. congratulations on 16-0, amazing accomplishment. i would also like to say about my boys the giants, way to go into a game that they didnt have to win against the best team in the league and almost win. even though they lost i am still pleased with there performance and for not giving up.

2007-12-29 17:58:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Pats are fluff and flutter! I like Green Bay because of Favre. I do not care who knocks the pats off, the key is keep Brady on his backside as much as possible, do not turn the ball over score as much as possible and run out the clock. It can be done they play in a weak division, but now it is crunch time. If it is an AFC team they will have to be king of the road!

2007-12-29 17:06:55 · answer #6 · answered by Roll_Tide! 5 · 1 0


2007-12-29 17:05:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I do not hate them and you do because you are a HATER! Everyone who comes on here and complains about the Patriots makes themselves look jealous and classless.

I ♥ The Patriots!!

2007-12-29 17:17:10 · answer #8 · answered by »cottoncandy 6 · 0 0

Why does everyone hate the patriots, seriously. Just because they have a perfect season, doesn't mean you should hate them. They are on the news and espn a lot, but I like them. But I probally like them because i'm from new england

2007-12-29 17:05:55 · answer #9 · answered by MP89 2 · 3 0

im a giants fan
i hate the patriots but i hate the cowboys more

2007-12-29 17:06:02 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

As a CT resident, there's no team I hate more.

I may not like the Cowboys - but at least they aren't dirty players led by a deadbeat dad.

2007-12-29 17:25:59 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2