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I have an extremely handsome husband that I have been married to for 5 years. By extremely, I mean he has female co-workers and gay co-workers have a crush on him, my kid's preschool teachers have a crush on him, when my spouse and I go out, the waitresses, female strangers, giggle and blush when they see him, some even go up to him to tell him he's hot and ask if he's an actor, he's even been confused as an actor and has been ask to sign an autograph before. My spouse doesn't think he's all that, he'll just smile and take it as a compliment and go about his day.
Sometimes I can not help but feel that another woman might take my husband away from me or even seduce him because of his looks.
He's 36 years old but he looks 10 years younger. If you want a better description he looks like a striking resemblance of Paul Newman when he was very young.
My spouse is loving and caring husband and father, GREAT in bed!, hardworker, helps out alot, etc.

2007-12-29 16:45:40 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

How can I stop myself from feeling this way?
Anybody else have a good looking spouse/partner and do you get jealous that they might cheat on you?

2007-12-29 16:46:20 · update #1

33 answers

OMG! So I am not the only one that feels this way. I have a very very very good looking husband. Before we could get married he had alot of girlfriends 2 at a time or sometimes 3. I still have those insecurities that he will leave me 1 day for someone better looking as well. But I have told myself I need to stop worrying about whats going to happen & focus on now & my marriage, if something is going to happen you cant change that but deep down I know where you are coming from. When my husband is late from work or on the phone all weird things go thro my mind

2007-12-29 17:19:21 · answer #1 · answered by Cute 2 · 2 1

I can totally relate to you... my husband is very attractive, he comes from a very good looking family. I used to feel just the way you described, when we first married. We are now married for 4 yrs (together 7 yrs) and I learned that if he has never given me a reason to doubt him.. regardless of his looks, than I shouldn't worry. There is nothing better in a marriage than TRUST. But, it was very hard for me to overcome this. But, you have to... otherwise, it will bother you and bother you and won't get any better. What helped me out, is that I talked to my husband about it. I opened up to him one day, and expressed how I felt...his response was awesome but, I won't tell you what he said.. because you have to talk to YOUR hubby about it, and you'll see what I'm talking about. He will definetly assure HIS LOVE FOR YOU, and that's what matters.
on another note:
((also..I personally know (acquintances) "not so good-looking guys" who have dated very pretty girls and the guys end up cheating on them.. so, its definetly not based on looks,))
but, I totally understand your feelings, that maybe it won't be him who initially wants to cheat.. but, a woman might seduce him to cheating because of his looks. As I said, Trust is a key.
Wish you the BEST and Communication is an essential part of a marriage. Don't let those thoughts/doubts ruin your moments. Whenever you begin thinking those thoughts about your hubby w/someone else.. STOP and do something else, so you can occupy your mind with something different.

Think possitive:

1. He has not given you a reason ( how many woman whish they can say this)
3. Communication
4. STOP the doubt/thoughts whenever they bombard your head.

2007-12-29 20:53:45 · answer #2 · answered by LYNN 1 · 0 1

Handsome Husband?

2014-12-15 17:43:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

existence is purely too short to agonize over issues you haven't any longer any administration over. Your husband can not help he's eye-catching and valuable and as you assert he loves you and is a sturdy and style guy. My husband use to have an entire blown poster in our mattress room of his trendy action picture famous man or woman and all of us all of us understand used to question me how i ought to enable that...I snort and purely say he's with me and why ought to I also have a venture with a poster of a while-honored lady or the ladies that often say how good looking he's...my son is a double of his father and females in college could continually flock around him yet adult males understand the adaptation so savour each and every minute of your marriage.

2016-11-26 19:39:23 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I think you are obsessed with your spouse. My partner is
a good looking man too but I dont go around looking at
every persons reaction when I go out with him or what they do. You should stop focusing on your husbands looks and focus more on your relationship with him and the time you spent together, appreciate the fact that he's not vain or cares about appearance obviously he is not as obsessed as you are.

2007-12-29 20:16:00 · answer #5 · answered by Helena W 1 · 1 1

My ex-husband was very handsome as well and he got a lot of attention. I wondered about all the attention he got, too. The only thing you can do is to do your best in your relationship. You can't worry about what he might do or who might get his attention. You have to trust that he's a good man and he'll be true to you.

2007-12-29 18:18:45 · answer #6 · answered by A 4 · 0 0

I understand completely.....I do!
I was dating a girl who is extremely attractive and I mean inwardly and outwardly.....BOTH high!!
I am also, supposedly very good looking too.
It bugged both of us....but me mostly. I learned form the mistakes from my last relationship with my wife of 12 years, who I am again dating, btw....that it is best not to allow jealousy to even get a foothold for the other person!
She was jealous of me at times too.....but didn't have to be!
Anyhow.....she would flirt with guys whenever...and supposedly didn't know it.
I'm going to give you a pointer from my wife who is a VERY, wonderful woman as well.....outwardly and especially inwardly.....communicate this in depth with him.....and tell him how it is making you feel! Do not allow this to build up without addressing it. It will only get worse if you do!
If it is bugging you now.....it will definitely bug you later.
Keep communication open at all times. Be accountable with each other in ways you never have......and gain a wholesome and effective trust, assurance, and build a vital lasting relationship between the two of YOU now......it will only get better if you do!!!
Good luck.....and peace to you and your husband!

2007-12-29 16:54:38 · answer #7 · answered by Dukie 2 · 0 1

My husband is very attractive and i have had my worries. Especially when one of his co workers came up to me with a comment of how he looked like a movie star while playing soccer (this girl constantly tried to pick him up she was known on base as a rip). Not to long ago we went out to eat and the waitress drew a heart on the check and tried to pick him up when he payed. I have had my moments but I've learned you have to trust your hubby and just not worry. It makes me feel good about myself also I mean to have all these women want my hubby but he choose me :p.

You can't change how he looks but you need to learn to live with your worries if you don't they might end up running him off. Work on it.

2007-12-29 17:19:36 · answer #8 · answered by blueeyd_princess 5 · 0 1

All men cheat but good looking and rich men cheat more than anyone. If you love him and he makes you happy keep him and keep forgiving him when you find out the truth. You obviously haven't learned the facts of life yet:

1. There is no Santa
2. There might be a Bigfoot
3. All men cheat, almost all women cheat
4. Marriage ruins relationships (moving in is the same)
5. Everyone lies (you even lie to yourself)
6. Life is not fair

Good luck and Happy Holidays. Email me if you want to
hear the truth. You can ask me anything. I don't lie unlike
the other answers you will get. You still don't believe me? Check his cell phone records for a few months including his work cell phone. Check all his email addresses including his work email not just the email address he uses with you. If you want to keep living in your fantasy world keep lying to yourself and don't check!!!

2007-12-30 02:36:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

I wouldn't worry if I were you because if he didn't want to marry you, he would have been with someone else. Therefore, always know that he is your man! I have been married for nearly 5 years and my hubby is very handsome to me, and it makes me feel even better when I have his arm while we're walking. Girl what? Forget everybody else, that's your man and let them look, as long as they don't touch. Girl give them something extra to look at. For instance, grab his butt in public, whisper something sexy in his ear, or kiss him while they're looking!!! Have faith, trust, and peace of mind because he is all yours!

2007-12-29 18:19:00 · answer #10 · answered by joynme 2 · 0 0