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the door on the back of the truck is a rollup. Whilst it is up, i need something like a plexiglass sheet with a door in it., to keep the cold out, but let people in! The truck is a boutique, - that is why i need something people can see through. Does anyone have any suggestions, or know someone, or somewhere i can get one of these? Thanks

2007-12-29 13:40:44 · 1 answers · asked by cruising 1 in Local Businesses Canada Toronto

1 answers

You should look at vinyl strip doors. they will meet all your needs, require almost no maintenance and will last a very long time.

They are just what that sounds like....hanging strips of extra-heavy-duty clear vinyl.

You can see through them and the hanging strips overlap and touch each other all the time, which keeps wind/dirt out, but you can push them aside and walk through quite easily, and they then close themselves automatically, by gravity alone. No electricity or other power source is involved.

They are commonly used for warehouses, but there is no reason you could not get a size made to fit your truck.

Several places will supply them.
One of those, Sopers, in Hamilton, will custom-size them for you.

This is their website:


2008-01-01 06:12:57 · answer #1 · answered by Ef Ervescence 6 · 0 0

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