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Pro-life? Pro-choice? why?

2007-12-29 13:35:37 · 12 answers · asked by Arian 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

12 answers

pro choice all day, in every situation. everyone needs options, and no one is going to tell me that i HAVE to complete a pregnancy. i do not support using abortion as a method of birth control, but everyone has the right to access options in a safe and controlled environment. thank god for roe v. wade, otherwise women and their "babies" would continue to die having abortions in unsafe conditions, and at least now there are regulations (granted, i don't agree with some of them, but still...) and people have a choice.

ani says it best:
"tiptoe" by ani difranco
Tiptoeing through the used condoms
Strewn on the piers
Off the west side highway
Sunset behind the skyline of jersey
Walking towards the water
With a fetus holding court in my gut
My body highjacked
My **** swollen and sore
The river has more colors at sunset
Than my sock drawer ever dreamed of
I could wake up screaming sometimes
But I don't
I could step off the end of this pier but I got **** to do
And I've an appointment on tuesday
To shed uninvited blood and tissue
I'll miss you I say
To the river to the water
To the son or daughter
I thought better of
I could fall in love
With jersey at sunset
But I leave the view to the rats
And tiptoe back

2007-12-29 13:54:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Pro choice is only about abortion, Pro-Life has other things, other issues than abortion. It is a misconception that they are both one issue. Pro-life deals with helping life, other things like people in poverty and people killing themselves with drugs, but because we humans are pugnacious the Pro-life started fighting for one issue then ignored the rest. I used to be Pro-life, but they lost their way. They keep sending out speakers who talk about what they believe is right and that is frowned upon by students. I don't support Pro-choice either. It is a foolish choice, abortion, because you will have psychological problems several years afterwards. And the only people who love and are not obligated to go to a therapist are Emo people.
Pro-life doesn't have a good direction to help the problem. They want abortion illegal, but if that happens, then it wouldn't change the problem; that our society doesn't really want to be a mother. I mean women can just drink profusely and have a miscarriage. So I chose neither of them, because one is foolish and the other has ruin their image to the majority and is lost.

2007-12-29 17:30:22 · answer #2 · answered by warning: flammable! 2 · 1 0

Procreation is an ongoing process which can be interrupted at any point, right from not having sex in the first place, through contraception, and drugs which prevent implantation, to abortion anywhere up to the moment of birth.

Somewhere along that process, most people would have a point where they consider it's OK to interfere to prevent the birth of a baby up to that point, but not afterwards - e.g. abstinence is OK, but contraception isn't.... or contraception is OK, but abortion isn't... or abortion is OK but only up to week 20... or whatever. It's simply a matter of conscience where you personally decide to draw the line, and on what basis.

For myself, I cannot accept that an undifferentiated bunch of cells has more rights than the fully grown adults who are responsible for its existence. I also cannot accept that it's right to kill a foetus when it's fully developed and due to be born. Logically then, there has to be a point somewhere in between that I decide, on the basis of conscience, is the point at which abortion becomes unacceptable. I don't know enough about it to have a definite view where that point lies, but it must lie somewhere in the 9 months of pregnancy.

It's in the nature of life that there are no easy answers to this kind of question, as it's a matter of subjective opinion rather than objective fact - and my opinion is that abortion cannot be wrong, per se.

Oh, and it's pointless to argue about whether the embryo is 'human life' or not - Of course it is. That is not the issue. The issue is whether a human life at a stage of being a tiny featureless blob of cells should be protected at the expense of the wishes of the parents - and particularly the woman who would have to give birth to it. I don't think it should.

2007-12-29 13:43:33 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Pro Choice. I don't agree with abortion, and I think that there are plenty of birth control/contraceptive options that one can employ to "keep the stork away." There's no reason for it at all.

However...whether or not some other lady 2000 miles away does it is none of my business. The uber-religious yahoo's out there should take a second to remember that GOD gave us ALL free agency. And so we can make our own choices in our lives. Your views are your views, but the most you can do is give your $0.02 about it. Shoving your beliefs down other peoples' throats and FORCING them to do (or not do) something is immoral in itself and goes against everything this country stands for.

At least, that's my take on it.

2007-12-29 15:00:30 · answer #4 · answered by eyikoluvsandy 5 · 1 1

Pro choice, as well as pro birth control, pro education, and pro good prenatal care available to everyone who needs it.

2007-12-29 13:42:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Pro Choice. It's no one's place, nor the government's place to decide if a woman should have a child. Each situation is unique and all women shouldn't be grouped into one category. 2D

2007-12-29 14:31:28 · answer #6 · answered by 2D 7 · 4 0

You have a CHOICE whether or not to have sex. You have a CHOICE to have protected or unprotected sex. You have a CHOICE to use birth control before and during sex. Once you have created a life, there should be no more choices. Killing a baby, no matter how small, is still murder.

2007-12-29 13:45:49 · answer #7 · answered by Sunshine71 2 · 0 2

I am Pro-Life because I think it is MURDER. I do not think you should have the choice. If you did not want a baby you shouldn't have had sex.

2007-12-29 13:40:35 · answer #8 · answered by Tosha 4 · 1 2

Choice. Abortion sucks, but it's not going to go away just because it's illegal.

The religious wackos believe god is all-powerful has a plan for everything, right? Well it seems that having abortions is part of that plan, otherwise they wouldn't happen, no?

If you don't want one, don't have one.

2007-12-29 14:10:44 · answer #9 · answered by ce 4 · 3 0

Pro Life

The choice is made when one has unprotected sex and then becomes pregnant. One should be equally worried about STDs

Having said that....rape, incest, etc does not fall into this catagory.

2007-12-29 13:41:53 · answer #10 · answered by jambandfan 3 · 0 2