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My name is Calivi Grace Ferguson. Calivi is a combination of Callie and Olivia. Grace is after my godmother/aunt and Ferugson is our last name (duh). Would you name a child Calivi? My older brother is Calvin Ryan, my little brother is Shaun Bryce and my little sister is Shania Talia. Which one do you like better? Would you actually name any child Calivi?

2007-12-29 11:40:58 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Baby Names

P.S. I <3 my name. BAN DI'M NOT WEIRD BECAUSE I HAVE A WEIRD NAME. My nicknames are Cali, Livi, Ca and Fergie-Ferg.

2007-12-29 11:46:56 · update #1

32 answers

It's a pretty name, an interesting name, and I really like it because it has a story behind it - (how it came to be - what it means.

My niece Matya , (named after her Great grandma), named her 1st child Ilya, (pronounced eye-la). I was curious as to where she came up with that name - though it had Russian origins, since I had never herd that name before. She said the name was an acronym for "I Love You Always - I-L-Y-A"; ok I can go with that.

I guess what I was a little upset about a couple of years ago regarding baby names was the great influx of Common names with which the parents had gotten cutsy with he spelling, (Karen = Charin), (Richard= Rychard), (Jack =Jacquea).

I also did not care for the "Africanization" of so many childrens names all of a sudden, names like: Kynischa, La Queshia, KaSasha, Kinsasa, Motata, LoTubai, Embaati, and so on, first of all I'm not sure that these are true ancestral african tribal names, and scecondly I'm not sure the children saddled with these monikers are going to know HOW to spell their names untill they hit Junior High. But hey - that's just me.

2007-12-29 12:13:35 · answer #1 · answered by jtrall25 4 · 0 0

Calivi...I'm not so sure that I am as fond of it as I would be if you proceded with the original Olivia and added an a at the end...

Which would make it Calivia. Calivi doesn't roll off of the tongue well,,,and especially not with Grace. Calivia Grace is much easier to pronouce when you throw in the extra syllabul. I am like you though-I love unique names...and the fact you are using family names makes it even more special! Good luck to you!

2007-12-29 11:48:22 · answer #2 · answered by Love is in the air. . . 2 · 1 0

I would name my child Calivi and I like the other 3 names too there alll very unique and I like some unique names I especially like your name because it combines the two name Callie and Olivia I think you have a very pretty name.

2007-12-29 11:47:07 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I would not name a child Calivi. The only name I like listed is Calvin Ryan, which in my opinion is too close to your own.

2007-12-29 11:53:18 · answer #4 · answered by Rachel 3 · 1 0

Does your brother Calvin and your Calivi get confuse a lot when a parent is yelling?
I would not name two child with names that close

I would not make up a name, Olivia and Callie are such pretty names

Your parents name all the children with names they loved

2007-12-29 11:47:34 · answer #5 · answered by Halo Mom 7 · 0 1

Calivi if I knew how to pronounce it..I am sure I would like it. But as far as Calvin...never really cared for the name. Shaun and Shania I love.

2007-12-29 11:46:17 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Wow, Calivi does sound like a very cool name! :) I love it when names are made by combining other names, the outcomes can be particularly good at times. ^-^

2007-12-29 11:45:26 · answer #7 · answered by vulpintissentiality 2 · 0 0

I agree with the Calivia thought the person above me made. Just flows better. Still not a fan of the name, but hey, to each their own. I like Shaun Bryce but I would spell it Shawn Bryce.

2007-12-29 11:51:40 · answer #8 · answered by princess_dnb 6 · 2 0

Good for you!

Oh! Excuse me...I thought you meant 'Monique'.

Since I'm already here..No. I'd NEVER name a child Calivi.

2007-12-29 11:52:27 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I think it's pretty. Don't worry, that's not even the strangest name...I knew a guy named Danmark and he had a sister named Sicily and two brothers Scotland and Holland. And I was considering naming my son Ciarnan (Keer-nan). There was a boy in my class named Shithod and a boy named Lasin. Your name is really nice. I like it.

2007-12-29 11:47:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0