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Clinton's reply was "at least i tried"...is this valid? he has bombed Afghan terror camp during presidency while Bush...well, he didn't do a thing. He headed warnings of terror attacks by airplanes but benignly dismissed them, as if it couldn't happen. He made zero attempts at afghan camps while Bin Laden was pushed up on the terrorist list. In other words, Bush did nothing to prevent 9-11. Yet still, ABC (disney movie) and Chris Wallace (that gnome) continues to push blame past Bush.....What's ur opinion?

2007-12-29 10:16:01 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

did Bush, in his two term, "at least" try to get Bin Laden despite being warned of the attacks?

2007-12-29 10:24:06 · update #1

18 answers

Not just 9/11. Clinton is responsible for Louisiana flood, California fires, Indonesian tsunamis and Bhutto assassination.

2007-12-29 10:24:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 6

The Somolia Operation Al Queda the 1st twin Towers Bombing The Embassy Bombings in Tanzania and Kenya the united statesCole Sudan presented OBL on a plate to Clinton 4 circumstances Sandy Berger presented OBL two times Masood and the CIA had presented Billy OBL 4 circumstances that's Ten opportunities on the apple and Boy ask your self exchange into greater interested in chasing an intern. James Woolsey resigned as a results of fact he might desire to no longer refer to Wunderkind. Wunderkind disregarded Sandy Bergers Calls Wunderkind had Maddie Albright Tip off the Pakistanis who instructed OBL and Missles fell on empty tents. Wunderkind disregarded Masood. Richard Clark is an incompetant Jerk as is Jamie I geared up the Wall Goerillik. the place is your outrage at Clintons ineptness. as a results of fact of this skinny skinned Billy is hacked off at ABC and Fox.

2016-10-09 09:44:08 · answer #2 · answered by boddie 4 · 0 0

As much as i can't stand the misleading and incompitant Clinton years, I must admit that he is not entirely to blame. Even if he would have pulled his head out of his hind quarters and accepted Bin Laden when he was offered him there would have been another Western Hating Terrorist ready to fill the void. This certainly doesn't mean we dismis the Clinton Administration entirely. After all, the terrorist that executed Bin Laden's plan were permitted, in fact, to reside in America illegally under the Clinton Administration's watch. To all future President's: IF THEY ARE HERE ON EXPIRED VISA'S LET'S FIND THEM AND DEPORT THEM; NOW!

2007-12-29 10:27:25 · answer #3 · answered by ziggurat4u 5 · 2 1

Yes, they had good info that there could be an attack by plane. So they started to put together a plan for better airport screening and safety measures. (Gore was in charge) The airports said it would cost too much money and made a HUGE donation to the Democratic party. And what do you know they decided to not make better airport security mandatory.
It amazes me that people forgot that happened.
After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, which killed six and injured 1,000, President Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

After the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed five U.S. military personnel, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

After the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19 and injured 200 U.S. military personnel, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

After the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa, which killed 224 and injured 5,000, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

After the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 and injured 39 U.S. sailors, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

2007-12-29 13:54:38 · answer #4 · answered by froghugger 6 · 0 0

Not only Clinton, but you can go back to Bush I also with the 93 attack on the WTC.

Terrorism as a problem goes back to atleast Carter if not further. Before 9-11, it was not paid attention to because at first everyone had tunnel vision because of the Cold War and later because the Cold War was over and the we assummed the world was safe and let down our guard.

2007-12-29 10:21:56 · answer #5 · answered by mnbvcxz52773 7 · 3 2

For not maintaining National Security that led to the attacks. The WTC was hit in the garages just after he took office. He did little to work with the military he loathed. He worked at reducing it. Oblivious and in the process of saving his bacon during scandal after scandal.
Yes. He knew and did nothing to prevent the attack as if he allowed it so Hillary '08 would be well set in place for his return. Bush was the fall guy. As he quickly became a target himself.
Please take the time to review this link and pass it on.
Happy New Year.

2007-12-29 10:29:43 · answer #6 · answered by Mele Kai 6 · 1 2

Bush Sr initally pissed off Bin Laden by having troops occuping Mecca and Medina. I don't think Osama is partisan, he hates the USA in general.

2007-12-29 11:26:06 · answer #7 · answered by Socks 5 · 0 0

Bush, Cheney and cronies are the ones who are solely responsible and which perpetrated 9/11 False Flag.

2007-12-29 10:53:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I like Clinton. I don't blame him for 911. I can't stand Bush. I don't blame him for 911 either. The blame for the events of that day falls squarely on those who planned and carried out the act, period.

2007-12-29 10:45:21 · answer #9 · answered by Judy L 4 · 1 1

No, Clinton was not to blame for 9/11. During the Lewinsky scandal, when the Republican Congress would have done anything in their power to thwart military action by Clinton, the President made every attempt to target bin Laden. I don't believe that Clinton ever received a PDB (Presidential Daily Briefing) that stated: "Bin laden determined to attack inside the U.S.". If memory serves me correctly, Bush, Cheney, et al, ignored that warning in the summer of 2001.

2007-12-29 10:22:42 · answer #10 · answered by Jen 7 · 6 5

Eight months versus eight years.Let's see now.A aspirin factory bombing was a great move.What was in those documents Sandy Berger stole?We'll never know,but this I know Bill will be in Hell for all those rapes and lie's he spewed!

2007-12-29 11:07:19 · answer #11 · answered by ak6702 7 · 0 1

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