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The people who back the Mc canns justify their criminal neglect of three babies under the age of four by saying their parents made a mistake. A mistake, a mistake!, i`ll tell you what a mistake is! And leaving three babies alone whilst you and your other hals nip off to the pub with your mates anything but a mistake, I call that a pre meditated act. Now what do you call that?

2007-12-29 08:07:24 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Current Events

26 answers

How some think it was a mistake astounds me! It's a mistake not paying an important bill or forgetting an important date etc but leaving 'babies alone' is not a mistake, it is a selfish choice and DECENT CARING PARENTS DON'T DO IT! The McConn's knew exactly what they were doing, even though Gerry said he thought they were being watched and that someone was hiding in the apartment etc.. Yet he still left to return to his 'evening' The mind boggles! I honestly cannot comprehend the minds of these pro-neglecting people, have they no shame? What hope is there for the many neglected children in this Country? and with their parents 'openly' admitting to it??? These so called parents are shocking and should be thoroughly ashamed, as they don't deserve children...

2007-12-29 13:01:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

Most people live their lives on a balance of probabilities basis.
There are always people who are very cautious, and cover the one in 100 million chance, whilst others cover the 1 in a million chance. When a 1 in 10 million event occurs, the cautious coverer's of the one in a 100 million possibilities, shout CARELESS, to justify themselves, and to condemn others.
Those who live in countries with differing conditions also scream careless, without regard to the differing situations in other countries.
The truth about the zone where Maddie disappeared is still not being publicized, and that should concern all who love children, more than any mistake individual parents have made.

2007-12-29 09:34:38 · answer #2 · answered by eastanglianuk1951 3 · 6 2

I totally agree with you, a mistake is leaving the house without your keys, or accidentally leaving a tap running, not leaving three babies (on numerous occassions) and going down the pub!

2007-12-30 02:37:57 · answer #3 · answered by MissEssex 5 · 1 1

It has taken a long time to even hear the McCanns say it was a mistake. My view is that the implications of their own selfish actions were just so hard to even bear that they couldn't admit to themselves what they had done. In earlier interviews they were full of denial for their actions.

This is just such an awfully sad scenario - a little girl missing, presumed dead. I am sure this family will never have any peace.

2007-12-29 11:28:28 · answer #4 · answered by mum2mh 5 · 3 2

The problem is British culture and it's attitude toward kids. That is why people defend the indefensible, i.e. leaving very young children on their own. I mean there are people in Britain who will defend a rotweiller mauling a one year old child to death, saying the child did not know how to behave round dogs !! We are crazy and inhuman about some things in this country but we cannot own up to it.

2007-12-29 09:12:45 · answer #5 · answered by ketkonen 7 · 10 1

A mistake ...definately NOT....A parent should NEVER leave their babies alone like that. What if a fire had started? Well at least the parents had a nice night out together? paleze....I am sorry but I can't justify very poor parenting skills of some people .....besides the fact that their stories seems kind of fishy in the first place

2007-12-29 08:24:30 · answer #6 · answered by worriedverymuch 2 · 13 2

Premeditated, yes, in that this was an arrangement they used on previous holidays and had done in the days of their holiday before Maddie's disappearance. A caring parent doesn't put booze ahead of a child's safety.

2007-12-29 10:16:43 · answer #7 · answered by mini metro 6 · 12 2

I agree.That was no mistake.It was planned every night of the holiday.And was also a well practised occurrence on their previous holidays.

2007-12-29 21:28:24 · answer #8 · answered by Busy Bee 2 · 3 1

mrs highwater. you impress me. im right there with you. keep it up . you still keep standing up for the maccanns. and rightly too. i know they didnt intentionally """"""go out on the lash""""" as some people here have said. i know they believed they were leaving their beloved children safely in their beds. i know they made the mistake of ,,,,,,, just putting the children to bed. how could anyone ever think that someone would enter that room and steal a child. no one would ever think that. i was at a campsite this summer in norfolk. i was in the pub every evening. the pub was across the road from the camp site and parents were there having drinks while their children slept in their tents. we could see the tents. the mccanns could see their appartment. so what is the difference. ill tell you the difference. no one stole a child from the tents. kate and gerry made a mistake. that is a fact. can anyone please remember that someone took madeleine. can anyone please consider that the person that took the child is the guilty one?

2007-12-29 11:03:47 · answer #9 · answered by kati 6 · 3 7

People were saying it was a mistake 8 months ago and they are still saying it now ! For God's sake ,it was a pre arranged thing EVERY evening to leave all these young children alone. It was not a mistake .They knew what they were doing .They neglected the children and put their lives in danger because they were selfish people who wanted time to themselves to eat and drink without the truck of the kids.It happened on other holidays too .....it was no mistake.

2007-12-29 08:47:41 · answer #10 · answered by little weed 6 · 16 6