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i hear people talking about her a lot in a bad way but i have no idea what she really did, can u clarify it more to me??

2007-12-29 07:55:36 · 9 answers · asked by I ♥ me 4 in News & Events Current Events

9 answers

She was very active in the anti Vietnam War period and made what was considered to be unpatriotic moves. She favoured Viet-cong victory and was photographed in Hanoi sitting by anti-aircraft batteries used to fire on US aircraft. This is all relying on memory, if you google J Fonda Vietnam, I'm sure you'll find lots more.

2007-12-29 08:09:03 · answer #1 · answered by Ern T 6 · 4 0

The U.S.A. had an Anti-Communist policy in place at the time under The Domino Effect idea expressed by Kissenger it was decided that The U.S.A. had to stop Communism from being in every country in Asia. So the Vietnam. Napalmed people burned homes. The Vietnamese had done nothing to The U.S.A. and The U.S.A. went over and killed Vietnamese people because they were Communist. This would be a War Of Agression something against a United Nations Law or rule made at Nuremberg after WW2. Jane Fonda was oppossed to the killing of innocent people.

2007-12-29 08:27:44 · answer #2 · answered by darren m 7 · 1 1

'Em T' and 'darren m' are both correct.

The US installed a Catholic Military dictator, Ngo Dien Diem, into Southern Vietnam, first as Prime Minister then as President in violation of the 1954 Geneva Agreements. The US also created the new country, the "Republic of Vietnam", refused to allow 'nation-wide' elections in Southern Vietnam and sent troops, advisers (both military and civilian) plus
arms and ammunition, all in violation of the 1954 Geneva Agreements. This was the cause of the Second Indochina (Vietnam) War.

Jane Fonda, an ardent anti-Vietnam War activist, visited Hanoi and Haiphong in Northern Vietnam and was photographed sitting at a Anti-aircraft gun at a time when the US was heavily engaged in fighting the "National Liberation Front of Southern Vietnam" (the so-called and incorrectly named 'Viet Cong') and the Peoples Liberation Army of Vietnam (PLAV, and often incorrectly called NVA or North Vietnamese Army) in the South and the bombing of the North.

Many people who supported the war reviled at Jane Fonda's actions and call her a traitor. Jane has acknowledge that she should not have done some of the things in Northern Vietnam, especially being photographed at the anti-aircraft gun site, but is unrepentent on her views that the war was illegal.

2007-12-29 14:20:27 · answer #3 · answered by Walter B 7 · 1 1


I am thinking that this is what you are talking about? She was very much involved in bashing our soldiers who were only doing what they were told and trained to do by our government and our leaders at that time. My father did 3 tours over there ...was in from '63 to '73 and have always been very proud of him. SHE is one of the reasons our soldiers were spit on when they returned home after the conflict was over.....I will NEVER have any kind of respect for that woman

2007-12-29 08:03:10 · answer #4 · answered by worriedverymuch 2 · 3 1

as she went down the line someone put the names of the the soldiers in her hand when she shook hands of our pow men,,,
she then took the paper over to the vietnamese leader, and our soldiers were tortured for it,,, The woman needs to be tossed out of this country

2007-12-29 08:20:03 · answer #5 · answered by John N 5 · 2 1

She is a loud mouth left winger with a famous father. She could not find it in her hard heart to support her own troops in Vietnam

2007-12-29 08:04:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Don't ever mention her name, and she will be forgotten,able to live out the rest of her life, maby thinking of the brave young men , whos life she cost while protecting her freedom. They were friends of mine.

2007-12-29 08:48:28 · answer #7 · answered by Dustndwind 6 · 2 1

She aided the enemy while enjoying all the rights and freedoms that soldiers were dying to protect.

2007-12-29 12:06:15 · answer #8 · answered by ken G 6 · 1 1

she betrayed her country.

2007-12-29 09:23:43 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1