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predict bad stuff?

i'm not talking about those who mostly do ppl individual lives.................... im referring to those well-known ones who talk about world war etc etc

2007-12-29 07:21:39 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Other - Social Science

3 answers

There is no such thing as psychic ability. Only charlatans trying to defraud a gullible and ignorant public. If they were real, why did the "Psychic Friends Network" declare bankruptcy. They didn't see that coming.
Also keep in mind, two of the most famous psychics who predicted monumental events, Jeane Dixon, and Edgar Cayce, often made their predictions after the events (that's a toughie) and have been shown to be frauds repeatedly, during and after their lifetimes.

2007-12-29 08:28:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Old timers will tell you these predictors have always been around, but hey even in the bible these types pop up talking to the dead and predicting so there you are. Christians are not to be messing around with spirits and principalities! So I take these biblical passages to mean they are luring us into the occult with these so called predictions. Ain't worth it to me, but it is seductive, entertaining etc. so beware even the bible says what they are and to not mess with it.

2007-12-29 15:30:52 · answer #2 · answered by kim 7 · 0 1

I think the question answers itself because if they could truly tell the future they would tell you about things like that. All people who claim to be psychics are really feeding off of peoples fears. I think people would like to know the future so they don't have to deal with reality and there will always be people out there to feed off of that.

2007-12-29 16:46:25 · answer #3 · answered by Haana R 2 · 0 1