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I have a friend from Europe, and he thinks that its the U.S.'s fault for millions of people dying in Iraq, he thinks that the U.S. people just want to kill people in Iraq. He doesn't like our government either. I don't think its fair to judge the U.S.'s people, by our government and what happens in war. Do a lot of people think like him? Why?

2007-12-29 07:16:53 · 20 answers · asked by Lissa 3 in News & Events Current Events

(i'm only 14, i don't quite understand, and i don't have many opinions cuz my opinions don't do anything, i just think its unfair. I'm a great person, but you can't judge me just by what our government does!)

2007-12-29 07:30:53 · update #1

wow, people do have really strong opinions about the U.S., I am going to Europe for a visit this year, i really want to know what they think of my countries government. We have to stay with a European family for a couple of days, and I may be the only american to walk into their house, so i have to leave a good impression, i need all the knowledge I can get!

2007-12-29 07:38:12 · update #2

20 answers

Lissa, please don't be put off by all the anti-American slurs. Yes, there are many people in the world, including some of our own citizens, who find it easier to hate than to understand. Narrow-mindedness is an epidemic...particularly on here. "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones".
You and I still live in the greatest country in the world. Be proud and let your pride shine through.
The USA has done so many wonderful things in the world, too many to list. If your 'friend' is a true friend, then she/he couldn't think all Americans are bad, now could she? We can sit and discuss all the negative decisions that our current leaders have made until we're blue in the face but as a true American, you mustn't let outsiders make you feel any less proud to be one.
Good luck with your vacation in beautiful Europe. Show your hosts what a REAL AMERICAN is!!!

Now, all thumbs down most welcome, it won't deter me.

2007-12-29 11:03:47 · answer #1 · answered by CharJ, 6 · 5 0

Great question. Many people who have not physically been in the US, know the exact democratic process in the US, and don't know it from the "ground," see the government as a representation or icon of the American People (since the people elected it); thereby, linking what the government does to the will of the people (which might not be true in all cases). If people from other nations would fully understand how America works (and that the war in Iraq is not 100% the will of the people), they would have a different opinion. Of course, Americans could do more to prevent unfavorable actions by the government; however, Americans should not be judged entirely by what the government does.

2007-12-29 07:28:28 · answer #2 · answered by Professor Chris 3 · 1 1

I agree it is a tad unfair but then again you have to remember the American people did vote Bush in TWICE!!!! Fair enough once,but actually being mad enough to vote him in again showed a staggering lack of judgment.The rest of the world is frustrated at how easily manipulated and accepting the American public are.You don't seem to catch on as quick as the rest of us.Having said that I was in New York the day Hans Blix gave his big speech at the U.N. indeed I was in the building.Afterwards when walking through New York the show put on with cops screaming up and down the main streets sirens blaring and armed soldiers in the subways,the constant brainwashing on the TV etc etc well it was all pretty overwhelming.You're all being bombarded by propaganda day in day out so you're really up against it.
I've been in four different Arab countries in the past year or so and asked what they thought of Americans and they know it's the administrations fault.Oddly enough they hate Condaleeza Rice most as they see her as a traitor to her own.

2007-12-29 07:41:13 · answer #3 · answered by Misty Blue 7 · 1 1

I have asked that question myself. I am no longer in America even though I am American and I have been there most all my life. I see it all the time. The American government has gone down the toilet and has made others to think that Americans are stupid, gullible, and greedy when most are not. We have always been the ones who have been at other countries' beckon call even when others would not get involved. I don't understand why other countries blame things on the American people themselves when the Americans are no longer in charge of their government. Our single votes don't even count...voting is done by electoral votes...needless to say I haven't voted in years. Maybe Americans themselves need to make a change......
added to say .....
The people are NOT in control of our government....big drug companies and other big business are the ones who get their pockets lined and push the majority vote. A single American vote does not count or make a difference in who will be elected. It's who BIG BUSINESS thinks should be elected so please don't blame the American people themselves except for letting the government become what it is today

2007-12-29 07:33:18 · answer #4 · answered by worriedverymuch 2 · 1 1

Unfortunately a lot of people from other counties feel this way. I have in-laws in the UK and Korea, we do not talk about this subject much just because the reasons you stated.
I think some people are jealous that the U.S. is as big and strong as it is. We do not always do the right thing, but I believe we have the best interests of our people in mind. Is that the right thing too do...who knows. When you talk to people from different countries you will get a different answer to your question depending on the age of that person. I think as they get older they realize a county consist of people not just a government.

2007-12-29 07:29:28 · answer #5 · answered by Tim R 3 · 1 1

Yes it is going on. And on March 1st the warfare will start with lots of our congressmen being rushed via hundreds of thousands of indignant gun wielding residents, and warfare will holiday out. I'm watching for residences and flats in Canada correct now. Trying to get a inexperienced card after which perhaps discover a task earlier than I make the transfer. Canada could be very handy to transport to peculiarly coming from America. I count on conservatives to be those who keep in America and combat for a misplaced purpose. It's over. America is done. Just % up, depart and do not ever appear again.

2016-09-05 13:48:55 · answer #6 · answered by rips 1 · 0 0

I think that it's absolutely fair to judge U.S. citizens by the government. Who elected the government? And we could have done more to stop the war in Iraq. Who took part in civil disobedience? I didn't even though I said that I would. In a democracy citizens are responsible for the government and the actions of that government.

2007-12-29 07:26:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Not all foreigners judge Americans by their government, but it is an easy way to "judge" Americans.

The US government has been a bully and a thug in international politics since 1945, and directly and indirectly has been instrumental in starting numerous wars around the world and a countless number of coups in countries like Chile, Turkey, Bolivia, Argentina, Southern Vietnam etc, and has installed numerous dictators around the world.

The US has created countries in violation of international agreements -- West Germany and South Korea in violation of the Potsdam and Yalta agreements, and South Vietnam in violation of the 1954 Geneva Agreements.

The US has used its currency, and its control of the "World Bank" to bully the rest of the world economically, and this has upset many countries and their nationals.

That is enough about the US government. Many people dislike Americans because of other factors.

American culture is all-pervasive and is spreading around the world through movies, comics, the Internet, music etc. Some find that they dislike the American culture because it is vulgar, rude, uncouth, or against the individuals religious beliefs. Others dislike it because it is not the culture of their own country.[For me it is a bit of both].

Other foreigners dislike Americans because of their ignorance of other countries, politically, socially, culturally and they brag about how good America is etc., and when visiting those other countries act obnoxiously. (I have found this in Hong Kong, Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore and Indonesia while I worked in those countries).

I have worked with a number of Americans whilst overseas and usually I found them good company, but as I said, I have met some Americans I disliked emensely.

2007-12-29 14:54:01 · answer #8 · answered by Walter B 7 · 0 1

Understood though a country itself cannot do anything. The policy of leaders in it is another matter. The problem is no matter what U.S. citizens do their efforts are fruitless . U.S. citizens may as well not have a country for all they are listened to . U.S. citizens could not stop Vietnam they could not stop The War Built On Terror. British citizens have protested against The War Built On Terror. They could also protest against a Terrorist War all to no avail. It does not have to any particular people but war thoughts can interfere with thought processes of anyone. What people should concentrate on is The Belief In Human Supremacy. Human Supremacy is the belief all lifeforms including humans are there for the purpose of making money for humans. Humans are being racist about the entire planet forget one country it goes beyond this.

2007-12-29 07:41:49 · answer #9 · answered by darren m 7 · 0 2

One reason people judge us by our Governments actions is because we are a democracy. A government founded on the belief of "for and by the people".
In theory the "people" of the US are the Government, because it is us that elect them and control their policies by voting.
That is only in theory though, a forgotten idea of what our country was built on. In practice the average American citizen has no control left over his/her government anymore. Policies and votes are decided by big business and political influence.

2007-12-29 07:34:06 · answer #10 · answered by sinnfeinan_bastard 2 · 4 0