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I've been wondering for a long time and I was thinking how can you draw it if you don't know where to place the next line? And also which tablet do you think works pretty good with decent price? Maybe for a beginner?

2007-12-29 02:57:06 · 3 answers · asked by Jessica 2 in Arts & Humanities Visual Arts Drawing & Illustration

3 answers

Most drawing tablets show up on the computer, such as the Wacom Intuos or Wacom Graphire. These can range from around $100-$750.http://www.wacom.com/intuos/index.cfm

There are, however, tablets such as the Cintuiq that cost $2000. These show up on the screen.http://www.wacom.com/cintiq/index.cfm

As I understand, (I don't own a tablet but want one and have researched them a lot,) when you want to see where to place your next line, you hover the pen over the screen and it will show you where that point is on the computer. Then you just press the pen on the tablet to draw your line, like on paper.

I would say to buy the Wacom brand, and depending on your taste and budget, a Intuos or Graphire. Graphires are more affordable but do not have as many helpful features as the Intuos. Graphires would still serve you well, though. Try browsing the Wacom website I linked for you to fins a tablet you find fitting. Also, I would recommend getting a size of at least 6x8. My personal recommendation is the Wacom Intuos 6x8. If possible, get it from Circuit City, where you can get it for $300 ($30 less than original price.)

I hope I've helped and didn't sound too confusing! =P

2007-12-29 04:39:44 · answer #1 · answered by Leerox 2 · 1 0

Digitizing tablets, like the Wacom, operate much the same as an ordinary computer mouse. As the stylus (pen) is moved over the tablet's surface, the cursor moves across the screen, the same as if you'd move it with the mouse.

The entire working surface of the tablet represents the lit surface of your monitor. Moving the cursor to the upper left hand corner of the tablet moves the cursor to the upper left hand corner of the monitor. This means that, via the tablet, the operator has access to all the controls, tools and drop down menus, the same as he would with a mouse and it's clickers.

Drawing with a mouse means left clicking and holding the button while moving the mouse across the desk. In a digital tablet, the operator presses the stylus on the pad, holds it down while moving it across the pad. Lifting the stylus is the same as releasing the left click button.

Just as your eyes follow the cursor when you move the mouse, the eye does the same thing when you move the tablet's stylus.

2007-12-29 11:04:45 · answer #2 · answered by Vince M 7 · 0 0

A tablet PC is actually like a little computer.
Your drawings show up on the actual tablet.

Without a tablet PC, the image shows up on the screen. After a while, it's easy to use and tell where you're drawing (I have one)

2007-12-29 03:06:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0