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Can you please help me solve these questions .. by whatever you know :$

1.Articulating ideas to inspire follower commitment(6)
2.Leadership theory that focuses on follower's maturity(11)
3.Leadership perspective on how leaders change organizations(16)
4.Theory of how a leaders behavior can influence an employees expectancy and performance(8)
5.Theory that believes leadership is dependent on physical factors(5)
6.Leadership style that clarifies goals(9)
7.When a leader is friendly and approachable(10)
8.Form of interpersonal attraction(8)
9.Leaders that encourage their followers to reach their peak performance are __ oriented(11)
10.The rights inherent in a position to give orders(9)
11.Chemical that affects behaviour and is linked to leadership(9)
12.The leaders belief in their own skills and ability(14)
13.You need these to have leaders(9)
14.Early theory of leadership developed by Fred Fiedler(11)
15.Leadership style that encourages and facilitates involvment(13)

2007-12-28 23:07:42 · 3 answers · asked by simply unique 2 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

3 answers

12. Self confidence (I assume two words totaling 14 letters are permitted)
15. Participative.
10. Authority.
6. Objective.
7. Accessible
8. Charisma, Magnetic

(Sorry for the repeated Edits! As I am not well-versed in Management Theory, I could think of these words after thinking over the clues over a period of time. Hope these serve some purpose.)

2007-12-29 01:10:51 · answer #1 · answered by greenhorn 7 · 0 0

that's nevertheless below the minimum salary interior the Nineteen Seventies and 80s when you alter for inflation. in case you think approximately that back then gas grow to be around a dollar and the min.salary grow to be approximately $3.10 then that's going to be properly over $10/hour now. The minimum salary now could be $6.fifty 5 and no person works for that except they're down south and residing in a shack. i'm a business enterprise proprietor and in ten years i've got in no way paid under $8/hour. maximum people who artwork min salary are not getting 40 hours a week at artwork and in many cases ought to artwork a 2d activity the place their beyond commonly used time is paid at commonly used time. attempt to proceed to exist $6.fifty 5 hour on 25 hours a week and prefer a motor vehicle to get to artwork. Even at 50 hours a week, it fairly is under $3 hundred/week after taxes. i think of every physique who will pay a minimum of $12/hour or extra for their lowest paid worker must be waiting to have a central authority approved sign that asserts "We Pay a residing salary" of their window. Then enable the shoppers be sure if that's properly well worth the better $a million according to determining to purchase holiday to have powerfuble help.

2016-11-26 00:38:57 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

2. Situational leadership theory (SLT)
14. Contingency Theory of Leadership

2007-12-28 23:25:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0