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5 answers

Right now it looks possible, especially when you find that Keith Bogans is a guaranteed starter at SG. Bogans has tough and effective defense. He is not used to be a great shooter but he just knocks down wide-open 3s in regular basis. For Redick, he somewhat lost his shooting stroke - how can he earn minutes then? Dooling is a marginal PG but he can score, so he is still in SVG's plan. Maurice Evans is a proven slasher who can make instant impact and so far he fits the team well. Therefore Redick is the 6th guard in Magic. If I were him, either ask for a trade or work harder on defense, or he would have 1-2 NBA seasons remained.

2007-12-29 03:05:11 · answer #1 · answered by EN 6 · 0 0

He would not bypass, he would not rebound. He can shoot while somebody provides him an beginning yet he would not create photos. Plus, for some reason his in-pastime production hasn't lived as much as his shooting ability. he's lights fixtures out in prepare and is off for the period of video games. sarcastically, he performed surprisingly solid protection interior the playoffs while he did a solid pastime on Ray Allen. i think of if he gets the minutes, maximum in all probability on yet another team, he can grow to be the subsequent Jason Kapono, Kyle Korver, Eddie living house. possibly not a starter, yet a solid participant off the bench.

2016-12-11 15:38:58 · answer #2 · answered by gallogly 4 · 0 0

Reddick is the typical college hotshot that could shoot, but couldn't play defense against my house. That doesn't work in the NBA.

2007-12-29 00:36:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He already is. Langdon or Bo Kimble, toss up.

2007-12-28 23:03:35 · answer #4 · answered by jasonpickles 3 · 0 0

Could be, could be.

2007-12-29 03:19:20 · answer #5 · answered by zebbie g 2 · 0 0