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Well today unfortunetly I was wearing black undies xD
And when I went to the toilett , I had white Discharge. Which yeah i know is normal, but there was like a reddy substance on it.. But like i got Toilet paper and wiped and it didn't Show on the toilet paper but it did and then it went more pinky kind of on my undies and i couldn't tell if it was my period or what. Like there was hardly ANY,
like less then a pinky nail EVEN (maybe lol)

so yea i put white undies on so i can tell if its actually them again lol it'll be more easier to spot ehh .. i spoke to my friend about it and she said go get a pad but like.. it doesnt seem like anything? like.. it was HARDLY any my mum said it can be light and she didnt even realise when she got hers but do you think that was it? i didnt have cramps or anything today though.. and my mum said she had severe cramps whenshe was younger.

Are they my Periods, though? Or shall I just wait until The next time i "Get them",

2007-12-28 22:46:51 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health

Also, the 2nd time you get them.. Like after your first ever period and i don't mean next month i mean like in the next hour for eg.. Are they "heavier" like not completely heavy but "heavier" then when you first got them

2007-12-28 22:47:36 · update #1

4 answers

When I had my first period the flow was heavy. It was heavy enough that when I was trying to sleep the night before I was to go to school I felt that my panties were wet. And it did not feel like when you have to urinate for me.

With my first period, I didn't have cramping as soon as the wetness started. I didn't feel the cramping til later that day.

Sometimes with my periods now I don't notice anything right away til a bit later in the day.

Yes, it is possible that this could be your first ever period but continue to keep an eye and your mom will help you keep an eye on this as well.

If you have additional questions for me please feel free to
e-mail or IM me off site any time.

2007-12-28 22:54:15 · answer #1 · answered by sokokl 7 · 0 0

Sure, it could be your 1st period. Most women do not get cramps with their periods until 1-2 years after they start because in the beginning, your body is just learning to get regular. Once the periods come every month, then you start to get cramps.

And if your mom's start was light, then probably your is/will be too.

As a feminist, my new thing is to encourage women to try tampons as soon as your periods become heavy (at least at night). Why worry about blood on the sheets, etc?

Once you get cramps, you can treat them with ibuprofen for 1-2 days. If that doesn't work, then go see your doctor. No woman should ever miss work/school b/c of cramps. We have medicines that can prevent/treat the cramps.

2007-12-29 07:04:09 · answer #2 · answered by syen3 2 · 0 0

go and talk to your mother about it so she can explain it to you
and put a pad on you will need it even a panty pad if it is not much

2007-12-29 06:53:52 · answer #3 · answered by Sunny 6 · 0 0



2007-12-29 06:51:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0