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MINE IS PINK ........

Your soul is painted the color pink, which embodies the characteristics of love, friendship, compassion, femininity, relaxation, ability to overcome evil, honor, morality, general success, gratitude, appreciation, admiration, sympathy, health, Sexyness ,Commitment and marriage. Pink falls under the element of Air, and is symbolic of gentle emotions and of emotional unions.


2007-12-28 22:45:48 · 58 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

58 answers


2007-12-29 04:47:54 · answer #1 · answered by Orion Quest 6 · 1 0

Pink to baby :D

Your soul is painted the color pink, which embodies the characteristics of love, friendship, compassion, femininity, relaxation, ability to overcome evil, honor, morality, general success, gratitude, appreciation, admiration, sympathy, health, and marriage. Pink falls under the element of Air, and is symbolic of gentle emotions and of emotional unions.

2007-12-28 22:50:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0


Your soul is painted the color purple, which embodies the characteristics of sensuality, spirituality, creativity, wealth, royalty, nobility, mystery, enlightenment, arrogance, gaudiness, mourning, confusion, pride, delicacy, power, meditation, religion, and ambition. Purple falls under the element of Earth, and was once a European symbol of royalty; today it symbolizes the divine.

2007-12-28 22:56:39 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Mines is blue

Your soul is painted the color blue, which embodies the characteristics of peace, patience, understanding, health, tranquility, protection, spiritual awareness, unity, harmony, calmness, coolness, confidence, dependability, loyalty, idealism, tackiness, and wisdom. Blue is the color of the element Water, and is symbolic of the ocean, sleep, twilight, and the sky.

2007-12-28 22:54:01 · answer #4 · answered by Crazy Diamond 6 · 1 0

Mine is orange

Your soul is painted the color orange, which embodies the characteristics of balance, heat, enthusiasm, flamboyance, playfulness, aggression, over-emotion, danger, desire, strengthens the ability to concentrate, attraction, adaptability, and stimulation. Orange falls under the element of Fire, and symbolizes glory and fruits of the earth.

2007-12-28 22:53:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

What color is your soul painted?

Your soul is painted the color orange, which embodies the characteristics of balance, heat, enthusiasm, flamboyance, playfulness, aggression, over-emotion, danger, desire, strengthens the ability to concentrate, attraction, adaptability, and stimulation. Orange falls under the element of Fire, and symbolizes glory and fruits of the earth.


2007-12-29 10:57:53 · answer #6 · answered by ♥.blondy4eva 7 · 0 0

without lookin at the quiz i would have said it was an orangey type colour... the quiz was right! im an orange!

Your soul is painted the color orange, which embodies the characteristics of balance, heat, enthusiasm, flamboyance, playfulness, aggression, over-emotion, danger, desire, strengthens the ability to concentrate, attraction, adaptability, and stimulation. Orange falls under the element of Fire, and symbolizes glory and fruits of the earth.

2007-12-28 22:57:21 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0


Your soul is painted the color blue, which embodies the characteristics of peace, patience, understanding, health, tranquility, protection, spiritual awareness, unity, harmony, calmness, coolness, confidence, dependability, loyalty, idealism, tackiness, and wisdom. Blue is the color of the element Water, and is symbolic of the ocean, sleep, twilight, and the sky

2007-12-28 22:55:50 · answer #8 · answered by Once Upon a Dreamღ 6 · 1 0


Your soul is painted the color red, which embodies the characteristics of love, strength, physical energy, sex, passion, courage, protection, excitement, speed, leadership, power, danger, and respect. Red is the color of the element Fire, and is associated with blood, life and death, birth, volcanoes, and intense emotions.

It's funny cause i went on this psychic machine last night and it reads your aura and that was red too.

2007-12-28 22:53:43 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Blue! Your soul is painted the color blue, which embodies the characteristics of peace, patience, understanding, health, tranquility, protection, spiritual awareness, unity, harmony, calmness, coolness, confidence, dependability, loyalty, idealism, tackiness, and wisdom. Blue is the color of the element Water, and is symbolic of the ocean, sleep, twilight, and the sky.

2007-12-28 22:50:13 · answer #10 · answered by ♥♥Mommy to 2 Divas♥♥ 7 · 1 0

Mine is Grey:
Your soul is painted the color grey, which embodies the characteristics of elegance, humility, respect, reverence, stability, subtlety, wisdom, strong emotions, balance, and cancellation. Grey falls under the element of Water, and symbolizes the moon, tide, ebb and flow.

2007-12-28 22:49:02 · answer #11 · answered by ? 1 · 1 0