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Are we reaching an era in World Politics where people choose either the ideal of the democrat worker or nationalism?

If so, are you more prone to lean toward nationalism or a broader idea?

2007-12-28 22:40:20 · 6 answers · asked by rabble rouser 6 in Politics & Government Politics

6 answers

Yes. They have a tradition of working together for the common good. Internationalism is a basic value of the Democratic socialist idea

I believe we're all human beings, we're in this together. I believe nation states are artificial boundaries that divide us. I consider Nationalism as a tool of the elite to keep the oppressed from working together and joining ranks.

I will always believe I have more in common with a hard working American than with a fat cat in Brussels like a poor American has more in common with a poor European than with a fat cat on Walstreet.

Nationalism and patriotism are weapons of the upper class

2007-12-28 23:05:09 · answer #1 · answered by justgoodfolk 7 · 2 1

There is a shortage of folding chairs around the world. That's why the tea party is a phenomenon in SOME parts of the United States. (New York isn't having it) As for OWS, that "insider trading" we hear about in OUR Congress goes on world-wide. The peasants are sick of it.

2016-05-27 16:20:19 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

The world doesn't have a concensus on what "the ideal of a democrat worker is". It never has and never will. Is it communism? Or is it capitalism, tempered with socialism: as it has been in the US since the "New Deal"?

I'm an American. I have never wanted to be anything, but an American. We have a workers paradise here. If only we could get back to minding our own business, and make the world police itself, we'd be ok.

2007-12-28 22:48:47 · answer #3 · answered by Crystal Blue Persuasion 5 · 0 1

you can have your cake and eat it too...I'm a socialist who loves America, but Americans need to remember the clause "One nation, under God" As in: we are not superior to the creator (no specified religion), we cannot claim to be the righteous without conviction, what proofs do we have that God actually blesses America? cause we say it all the time? cause we claim to be followers of the bible? While we follow part and ignore another, and divide and divide into sects, and from religion view other humans as sub-human. And allow blasphemies to infiltrate into our culture till the point that they're so second-nature to us that we embrace them.

2007-12-28 22:59:54 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

there's so much local backstabbing I find it impossible to believe the world is exempt from it, left or right wing.

2007-12-28 22:44:24 · answer #5 · answered by friedach 6 · 1 1

even within the same party there are difficulties and to say that they have liking for each other ............maybe as long u don't put them in the same country

2007-12-28 22:50:51 · answer #6 · answered by abdul k 3 · 1 1