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How do I get the code 58 HP Photo Ink to print out? (In a HP DeskJet F380)

2007-12-28 22:07:14 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Hardware Printers

How do I get the code 58 HP Photo Ink to print out? (In a HP DeskJet F380) As the other day I got a 58 photo link cartridge and I did what it sad to do witch is place it where you’re Black and white Cartridge go’s but its not printing it with the Photo Cartridge its only printing it with the normal color Cartridge. So how can I get it to print with the Photo Ink Cartridge???????

Can some one please help me I’m asking this for me and a friend.

2007-12-28 22:38:50 · update #1

3 answers

I have NO IDEA what you are trying to achieve and that's from a printer technician.

Pop along to www.hp.com into their support syste, use their online trouble shooting guides, pretyty clear, or email HP for best support

2007-12-28 22:15:56 · answer #1 · answered by stu_the_kilted_scot 7 · 0 0

By default your printer are using HP 56 for black and HP 57 for CMY. HP 58 is designed for photo printing, so you have to take out HP 56 from your printer and replace with HP 58.

By doing this, you have 6 colors and ready to print photo. Try to print photo, I believe the printer will use HP 58 ink to print.

2007-12-29 00:30:27 · answer #2 · answered by M 3 · 0 0

attempt TESCO they maynot have h.p. ink cartridges yet once you flow down and examine out the packaging you will see its says on the decrease back what kind of printers they're suitable for i'm specific you will get regarded after there, additionally they sell the photograph paper and all are very sensible in fee ,i be attentive to the ink grew to become into on furnish some weeks in the past ,yet you likely ignored out on that yet will nevertheless get a greater suitable fee than interior the digital camera shop

2016-10-20 06:27:06 · answer #3 · answered by bobbee 4 · 0 0