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2007-12-28 22:06:36 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government International Organizations

18 answers

Absolutely nothing. We get to pay for all their funding of catastrophes around the world. Our troops get send into their wars. We have no benefit at all. In fact, I vote that we kick out all the UN and move it to France. Let the taxpayers of France pay for them. 98% of all funding for the UN comes on the backs of the U.S. taxpayers.

2007-12-29 08:39:13 · answer #1 · answered by Julie H 7 · 1 0

Since you don't even subscribe to it's most basic tenets regarding the soveriegnety of other countries or it's protocols on the human rights of detainees, I would suggest none! It seems that your only benefit is to cling to a veneer of respectability with the World Community. Actually, that might be worth a few dollars and is probably why your still in it. Just as a matter of reference; the USA had not paid any of it's dues to the UN for a number of years prior to 9/11 and only became a paying member of the community after that tragic event. Makes you wonder doesn't it?

2007-12-29 22:54:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Where else would we go if we needed a resolution?

Of course, if you believe in unilateralism then you don't need a UN. In a unilateral world, every country gets to decide for itself when it’s right in doing whatever it does. This is another way of saying: might is right.

The irony is we already live in a might is right system. The UN is a tool for those with might to legitimate whatever they consider right.

So in the end, we don't need the UN. It’s useless. But not because the UN doesn't do anything for us. It’s because the UN makes no difference when it comes to what happens on the ground. With or without the UN, we (those with might) will do what it is we want to do if we consider it right.

2007-12-29 20:47:59 · answer #3 · answered by TheOtherGuy 2 · 0 0

The United Nations with its headquarters in the US provides a lot of employment to Americans. Likewise, the UN protects the interests of Americans in the international community.

2007-12-31 02:51:28 · answer #4 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 0 0

Nothing, not anything
USA gets to waste money on a organization that has done nothing good for the world ever or ever will.

It is a fallacy to think they are of benefit to the US taxpayers. Just another big lie.

Besides New Yorker are screwed. glued blue and tattooed out of their gourds because of their limo's that tie up traffic and pay for NO parking spaces anywhere are the UN...they park anywhere! The cops are not allowed to tag them or force them to move. Ask any New Yorker and cabbie.

2007-12-29 14:28:43 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The UN does not exist to benefit the american taxpayer!!!

2007-12-29 07:11:35 · answer #6 · answered by Monk 4 · 1 0

i guess thers a benifit, to EVERY nation, and not just the american taxpayer. the american benifits cos of all the translators, catering, and cleaning the un building needed, thus earning tax dollars for the economy.

2007-12-29 06:12:03 · answer #7 · answered by weelep 2 · 0 2

Unesco does a great job of organizing the World Heritage Sites and I'm a tax payer who's enjoyed them.

Unicef does help needy people.

There should be some international committee, which may be flawed and should improve.

We do live amongst many neighbors and we can't just pretend we can opt for isolation.

2007-12-29 06:11:51 · answer #8 · answered by Susan K 2 · 2 1

First of all, we are all alive, living in a somewhat prosperous nation, in which in our current wars, the odds are pretty good that we won't lose very badly.

Remember that WW II followed WW I not very long.
Had the world continued to develop according to the old dog eat dog rules, there would have been WW III IV V VI VII by now, in which we would all have been nuked and other WMD pretty thoroughly, then the survivors living in like FEMA disaster camps drafted into the military to defend us from the next WW.

But thanks to international cooperation through the UN, many grieveous problems have been, if not solved, ameliorated. Darfur is exception to the rule, instead of the norm. When horrible pandemics threaten us like Bird Flu, SARS, the world tracks the spread, pressures sources to clam up distribution, help track down, aid victims, work on a cure. This is thanks to agencies of the UN.

A lot of nations are mad at the USA. Much of it is, well they are mistaken about the causes of their problems, the US gets excessive blame. Thanks to the UN, thses nations get to vent their anger in peaceful ways, instead of being motivated to gang up on us in WW X.

2007-12-29 13:16:18 · answer #9 · answered by Al Mac Wheel 7 · 0 2

The UN benefits poor nations only

2007-12-29 15:24:59 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1