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I was and have been a fan of hip hop my whole life but to me since the late 90's early 2000's there has not been good music out.It is all about I got money and women.Not to mention the horrible songs hip hop is making for dance clubs(hey bay-bay).All have become unoriginal to me and got me moving to alternative music for orginality..I guess it circles around,but Hip Hop def. misses 2pac(the greatest.)A true lyricist.What do you think?

2007-12-28 21:32:46 · 4 answers · asked by Shane S 3 in Entertainment & Music Music Rap and Hip-Hop

4 answers

yes and no because his songs were gangsta so he was hip-hop and no because the songs out today are still good but not as good or close to as 2pacs or Eazy-e's songs R.I.P homies.

2007-12-28 21:38:42 · answer #1 · answered by Mickey Яocks 4 · 1 1

NO there are tons of talented hip hop artists out there try listening to music from Kanye West, Missy Elliot, T-Pain, 50 cent, Flo Rida, Eve, Lil' Mama, these are some of the artists I like Sean Paul is also good

2007-12-28 21:53:47 · answer #2 · answered by Joey 2 · 0 1

Not at all there are still tons of good rappers (maybe I only like) like akon,50 cent,snoop dogg, Lil Wayne and lots more. It might just be that the best rapper (in your eyes) has died, but one person dieing is not going to make a whole style of music go with it.

2007-12-29 02:26:57 · answer #3 · answered by Coop 4 · 0 0

unfortunately NO! Someone else will step forward soon.

2007-12-28 21:41:40 · answer #4 · answered by Patricia 4 · 1 1