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Hi There, I have purchased a new motherboard (ECS NF650iSLIT-A) and a new case, the case has front usb ports, but im a bit confused, the USB headers have 10 pins (#9 is blank) but my case cables only have 4 (1 has 3 labeld as follows: VCC, USB- and USB+ and 1 solo labeld GND) i just dont know which pins to put it in, the manual isnt very clear and i dont want to ruin my nice new board

2007-12-28 20:03:57 · 1 answers · asked by Chalkie 1 in Computers & Internet Hardware Other - Hardware

1 answers

Start with the single cables.
In manual there will be a diagram of the socket on the baord withthe VCC, U+ etc marked . . . check directions relative to teh missing pin.
install these in 1 row of 4.
The 4 pin header goes to the other half, usually inverted, see if there is a marking on the plug showing the VCC or GND and connect it.
Don't panic if you are unsure, simply plug in a LOW POWER device like a USB key, if it is wrong the 5V is NOT going to kill the PC

If it doesn't work, try again.

2007-12-28 20:15:06 · answer #1 · answered by stu_the_kilted_scot 7 · 0 0