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I am 18 weeks along and today my mom told me that during labor when the doctors give me a epidural in some cases you can be parilyzed for life. Ok that freaked me out and now I am so nervous for labor. I know it is not likely but has anyone known or heard of someone getting parilyzed for life. Just to get some peace Thank you.
First Baby....

2007-12-28 19:59:47 · 26 answers · asked by Gixxer 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

But I have read that this can be a side effect...

2007-12-28 20:06:49 · update #1

26 answers

I AM A PERSON THAT HAS HAD NUMEROUS EPIDURALS, (not for a baby, for pain) still an epidural.

HUN, I think you do not need to listen to your mother and ONLY ask the dr these questions,I encourage you to now PLZ tell your dr your apprehensions and concerns, and you can get to know the anesthiologists and choose one. I believe, Your mother is given you the absolute worst case scenario. PLZ DO NOT DWELL ON IT!!!

However, to be honest, there are occasions when they puncture the dural space, and if they do that - you will know it immediately... you will have the headache from hell and not beable to lift your head off the pillow, or stand the lighting.. and the cure for that is- they take blood from your arm, and do a blood patch- giving you 'another epidural' but injecting blood instead of meds, it works immediately in most cases

Please enjoy your pregnancy and do not get yourself worked up worrying about these things-- I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST

GOD BLESS- all will be super!!

2007-12-28 20:16:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It is rare, but a risk non the least.

I am both a mother and an OB nurse.
I had an epidural the first baby and non the other. And the epidural kept me from feeling the babys birth and believe me feeling that is the most amazing experience in life!!!

My thought on epidurals are that they are pretty much worthless because usually the patient has already felt the worse pain.
The transitional phase can feel frantic, But when a woman feels this it means the birth is not far away. Get through that and the pushing and the birth of the baby isn't as bad as the actual labor. The pelvic floor is pretty numb from the pressure of the baby's head.

Give natural child birth a try. There is nothing wrong with a bit of pain medication to take off the edge during the transitional phase.

I regret not feeling the first baby born. I felt a bit detatched. I will never forget the joy of feeling the other child make his way in to the world. The doctor had to sew up a tare and I barely felt it.

enjoy this time it is magical miricle to grow a baby in side of you and then see it enter the world. There is no greater miricle in life.

2007-12-28 20:08:22 · answer #2 · answered by clcalifornia 7 · 2 0

It was in the local paper here that a lady in labor had an epidural and the doctor goofed and put too much medication in it. I'm not sure if she ever moved her legs again or not. A lady at our local church had an epidural for hip surgery. One leg is still paralyzed and that was nearly two years ago.
A lot of the ladies on here report back pain lasting for YEARS after having an epidural.
I had four natural using the Bradley method. It really works. No epidural, no routine episiotomy, no being strapped to a monitor, and I was allowed to eat during labor. I wouldn't want to do it any other way.

2007-12-29 03:49:34 · answer #3 · answered by pennypincher 7 · 0 0

Although paralysis and nerve damage are among the accepted risks for epidural anaethesia, the incidence of both of these is so minute, it is negligible. Other risks include but are not limited to bleeding at the site, infection and the most common is a headache which is severe enough requires a blood patch - drawing some of your own blood from your arm or hand and injecting it into the epidural site to act as a plug. Don't let these risks deter you from the best pain med available in labour. Only the woman having the contractions can judge how much she can take without meds.

Remember: there is no prize for the woman who suffered the most!!!

2007-12-29 02:41:47 · answer #4 · answered by rab26 2 · 0 0

you should consult your doctor (the one who will deliver your baby). i've known many people who had used epidural and the mother and baby are both fine. if you do not request for an epidural then during your labor (if you do not have a c-section) you might not even have that option because it takes time to prepare and the person administering the epidural might not be available.
there is a very slim chance of you or anyone else getting paralyzed using the epidural during labor, but it is true, so its like "for your information" but don't get freaked out. labor w/o drugs are only for the brave. other problems might arise even with natural birth.

2007-12-28 20:06:12 · answer #5 · answered by vixen 4 · 0 0

no no no no no no no. hey there pls dont stress. i had a normal delivery with my little girl nrly 6yrs ago and i opted for an epidural as the pain was proving too much for me (i get a paper cut and am in pain lol) it was great you dont feel a thing afterwards but all i will say is the dr will give you a pillow to lean forward onto and give you a tiny injection in your back - i have never heard of anyone getting paralised - then all your pain will be gone. 2nd time i had to have a c section and i had to have a spinal block, to make you numb boobs down, and i was fine and i hate needles. Your mum might have mentioned this as she might want you to 'go natural'. Just remember do whats right for you, whats the point in being in pain if you cant handle it - to be called a super mum for going without pain relief. Nah i would rather be pain free and then be a super mum for the next 70yrs x best wishes to you, the epi is nothing hun x

2007-12-28 20:08:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is a risk and a side effect but not very common.

I personally would not get one , but the choice is up to the person.. I have had 3 children and will not be having it with this one either ! Just try with open mind using other forms of relief and see how you go . Its not a ritual to automatically have a epidural like most just opt for these days as they think they will have a easier birth ! ( not all but a very high majority )

2007-12-28 20:28:26 · answer #7 · answered by gemma b 5 · 0 0

it is uncommon, meaning about 4 in 10,000 epidurals could result in paralysis. on average in the USA and Canada about 50% of deliveries use an epidural. on a personal level. i had 1 delivery with and 1 without. the one without was very difficult and longer because the pain made it impossible to concentrate on pushing. the one with an epidural i was able to focus and even watch her come out in the mirror. it was a more memorable experience. i would recommend an epidural but it is a very personal choice.
side note..... if you really want to freak out read all the side effects listed for common cold medicine or motrin, lol

2007-12-28 20:15:10 · answer #8 · answered by elusiveone 2 · 0 0

I was scared too. I had heard stories like that before but never knew anyone. Mine went fine. GOOD LUCK.

I wanted to go without a epidural but when I got to the hospital I started having back pain and then I wanted one. Trust me you want to it get it will make your labor so much better. If you are in pain you cant enjoy the birth of your child.

2007-12-29 02:33:54 · answer #9 · answered by Mommy of 2 sweet babies 3 · 0 0

Um with mine they made my fiance (now husband) depart the room. And I needed to hug a nurse that I did not recognize for alleviation. I wasn't too pleased approximately it. But oh good. Anyways through that factor I used to be in SOO a lot to fairly believe them hanging the epidural in.But after supply which used to be at 12:24 they stated they might be in in a while to take away the catheter from my again. Well they did not come till approximately 6 within the morning. It used to be enormously uncomfortable. And after they took it out it harm worse, or I spotted the discomfort extra in view that I wasnt in exertions anymore =D I suppose the massive tape that's to your again is what harm whilst getting it eliminated. Overall it used to be best although. I obtained my epidural at 6 cm's I feel, and forty five mins after that (which that complete time I used to be competent to nap) I used to be nine a million/two and close to equipped to supply. I recollect my hubby calling my father and mother, who had simply left for McDonalds, to hurry again otherwise they have been going to overlook supply! It gave the impression adore it helped velocity alongside my exertions, however it should have simply been accident!

2016-09-05 13:13:22 · answer #10 · answered by yerkes 1 · 0 0